Talk:Curators and maintainers

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Overall & Catalogs

  • Library of Congress - Justin Thorp, Kevin Novak : language, topical, format curators.
  • OER Commons [OERC] - Lisa Petrides, Amee Godwin. Collection & stamping. No paper, one update. ++ Music connections - Sippy Cups, Moog synth games
    Open Knowledge Foundation - cf, repository/index of free content projects... similar to OERC but from a coder's / revision control perspective. not communicating yet w/the above.
  • Curriki - Bobbi Kurshan, Josh Marks. Paper pending, one update.
  • Connexions (8-college), CK12 (K-12), Wikibooks
  • Communities: G-Literacy, Jessica Powell

Recent notes

  • Second Life - Cory Ondrejka working on a low-overhead port
  • Stefan M - Moo cards...
  • cc - Eric Steuer - licensing for kids (with Ryan Trinkle)
    cf also Jon
  • Isshu Rakusai, nota. shirts and free shirt design.
  • Hiroshi Tachioka, -?, testing in ed environment
  • InfoQ - agile software dev: connection with volunteer coders
  • Polish Free Textbook Project -- Wladyslaw Majewski. Free texts, localized.
  • Global Lives -- David Harris. Stories (vid, aud, transcript) from around the world
  • Jamendo - global collection of free music, license & quality checking. sink for Free Music Project / Antenna Alliance. balanced cc-by selection for OLPC children. cf. Sylvain Zimmer


Literacy, language learning

Todd Kelsey, coordinator.
  • Google Literacy Project : no paper, collection; network sharing. Karin Ploetz (Frankfurt LitCam)
  • Basic works : Conall Ryan, MGH. collection; needs effort, bureau
  • Basic tools : Ignatz Heinz (Avallain)
    language tools: Jeff Fleishman


  • Internet Archive - no paper, need collection. Brewster K. children's collection. scanning? archiving. local expertise building. Alexandria, Million Book Project (China/India)
    Related support: Don Hopkins, bookreader & keys, SimCity
  • ICDL - need paper, c issues, active disc,
  • Logos children's library - need paper, collection.
  • PDF collections
    Project Gutenberg (John Guagliardo). c issues... how to resolve?
    [zPDF collections]
  • Google Books: Luke H, summer post


  • Mathematica - c issues, hackability?
  • LD Virtual Manipulatives - c interest; Utah State
  • specific works from catalogs


  • Biology : E.O. Wilson Foundation (no paper, 1 update)
  • Earth sciences (ChemProject WP)
  • Agriculture & Ecology
    formerly: Martin G, Michael J
    EO Wilson, Calestous Juma, D. Rowe - temp support


coordinator: ...
  • LOC's World Digital Library: paper pend, need curators, need update, lang support, national crossover. Justin Thorp / Kevin Novak.
  • Encyclopedias (Andy Sisson upate?), Dictionary (Gerard Meijssen, Sabine, Erik update), Logos children's dictionary (no p / collection)
  • Atlas (wikiatlas on Commons: community update?)
  • Maps: Metacarta (help, code), Allan Doyle (EOGEO, advice), Adam Holt / Schuyler Erle (visualization via Meadan)
  • How-tos : Felicity Tepper, wikiHow (2 updates)
    MAKE, Phil Torrone (need collection, guidelines)
    OLPC guides (Asher Miller, K Xu, et al. need collections)


coordinator: ...
  • Museums and libraries : World Digital Library, Justin Thorp.
    Museum of Fine Arts : online collection
  • Film : Godfrey Reggio (Anima Mundi, Qatsi trilogy), need coll, c confirmation
  • Music : Jamendo, Antenna Alliance (1 update), Freemusic, Jon Phillips (CC) - need coll, timeline


coordinator: ... (see Noah, Kathy, &c)
  • Partners in Health - need collection clarification
  • R. Wurman - need texts; via Mike
  • WHO, AfricaBio - need texts, p
  • UNICEF - need update (water/sanitation library; Chris Fabian)


coordinator: Kent Quirk
  • Josh Ellis - need flash contacts
  • Chuck Norman - need c discussion (EA, SimC)
  • Simulations : Concord Consortium (need activity), Don Hopkins

Computers, programming

coordinator: ?
  • Development
    ???, eToys - need squeakland collection
    Develop - activity, Andrew Clunis/orospakr
  • Books - Wikijunior, need coll (wiki proj)
    No Starch, Intro to Python/Wikis/TCP/IP, Intro to Linux:


  • Pratham - need projs, curricula


  • Wikimedia commons: Erik Moller
  • Creative Commons style searches: jon @ cc
  • Book players: Conall Ryan, MGH
  • Books: Cormac Lawler (Wikiversity), Anne Schreiber (Curriki)
  • Drawing: rgbpaint/officiana (Manu), Inkscape (jon phillips), etoys - Bert Freudenberg
  • Audio: Jamendo
  • Video: Peter Kaufman @ Intelligent TV, Jeff Fleischman @ Sesame Workshop


  • Music: Barry Vercoe, Dr. B (Csound)
  • Programming environs || Alan Kay (eToys), Rob Saovye
  • Texts | abiword (osu + abi), Manu/dan/don (Xbook),
  • Media | OSU, real (Helix), ?gstreamer-team (Gstreamer), Rob Savoye (Gnash), Erik B (Capture)
  • Cartoons | Ignatz Heinz, Cartoonbuilder


  • Format conversion | ffmpeg2theora, theorur (OGG audio/video), PG (crossmark),
  • Text-to-speech | R Vergara (Gruppo Logos); to simplified language: SabineTranslation || Sabine Cretella (OmegaT,, GerardM, Og Maciel; Todd Kelsey (Google Translate)

Languages: Xavi, Antonio, Nalrawahi, Og Maciel, Bruno Magrani, Soufron, Suyesh, Don Osborn, Dwayne Bailey, Gerard M

by Geography: by coordinators