EAG Examples

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The Educational activity guidelines cover similar ground to the OLPC Human Interface Guidelines but are targeted to a different audience-- the community of educators interested in creating activities, lesson plans, and/or curricula for the XO laptop. These guidelines provide an in-depth view of various features of the XO and its user interface, and focus closely on aspects of the XO that pertain directly to the development of educational activities.

To Do

The following concepts/principles need example activities to illustrate what we mean.

The Journal (and journaling in general):

Collaboration. In general:

and specifically over the mesh:

Creative expression, i.e. making things:

Cross-cultural and/or language-neutral activities:

Region-specific and/or practical learning:

Interdisciplinary activities, or activities/lesson plans that take advantage of multiple Activities/features of the XO:

Activities that expose the underpinnings of a concept, or the theory behind the lesson:

The examples are noted inline like this. All you need to do is locate an example and link to it, perhaps with a sentence or two of description.