Content meetings

Revision as of 19:24, 5 July 2007 by Sj (talk | contribs) (cats, stub)
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see also talk:library, game development meetings, software meetings

school servers

have a lot of disk space; useful as supernodes; shouldn't be required in general for services to work

  • weekly discussions of implementation
  • currently: no readily accessibly crypto signing
  • libraries: preshipped, modular components added by hand

content stamping

working on this: Adir Abraham

  • use cases: world at large

data store

July 5

Who gets to write to the data store?

Some of this is still up in the air. Interesting use cases:

  • an activity wants to store something to the data store that is public and sharable. How can the store something in the data store and tag it as sharable?
  • There's currently a "share activity" / "collaborate" button that shares a current document. Implications need to be worked out.
  • We need an indicator of 'state' -- whether one is working in a shared or private state at a given moment.

Use cases:

  • mesh board (distributed craigslist) -- as soon as you 'share' or 'publish' a new announcment, it is stored as something shared.