Category talk:Summer of Content proposals

Revision as of 09:52, 25 July 2007 by (talk) (Presenting myself and my proposal)
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My names is Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas and I'm from Colombia. I have being related with Free/Open Spanish wiki content with two projects:

  • [1] <- somekind of spanish yellow (wiki) pages for knowledge and people related with Free Software in Colombia.
  • [2] <- A social software approach to communities of practices and learners networks. We have developed local content on Informatics[3][4] and Squeak specially and minor content on Linear Algebra and Differential Calculus.

[3] [4]

I'm an active participant of other emergent wiki project on digital literature, workgroup and eclectic non-encyclopedic knowledge, and I'm a lot interested in the Wiki Ohana concept (family of wikis). I was one of the main translators of the documentation of TeXmacs [5] to spanish and now I'm making the translation of Leo[6] documentation. Recently I have incorporated po4a[7] to the translation process and is really a step in the right direction for having multilingual content created in a community fashion (other things like descentralized control version systems like bazar could help a lot).

[5] [6] [7]

I would be on Squeak Festival on August 1 to 3 I would like to work in the Summer of Content and to know people related with this project. My experience on learners networks is that we need open content source material for the courses. At the moment we are creating original work which is based on lectures and material licensed on "classical copyright" instead of copyleft and publishing it (for example on Eduwiki) under copyleft licenses. It is not in the strict sense "derived material", for example they're solutions to exercises, tutorials on the creation of Squeak games or interactive books and so on. This is good material, but they have not the compressive approach of excellent textbooks as Learning programming with Robots from Stephane Ducasse. I have talked with Steph and he would be pleased with an Spanish Open Content version of his book, and even the publisher may be agreed with a Free Version of the English version if they get the proper finantial support for that. Of course, we could create a free book from the Scratch, but for small amount of time, and considering the good will of the authors and publishers now with a wide awareness of the copyleft concept, trying the "liberation" of good material is a worth effort to be make.

Shortly, I would like to work in three fronts:

  • The liberation and translation of good source text book for teaching, specially the excellent Learning programming with Robots, from Stephane Ducasse. We have a educative experience using this book and the Bots Inc environment. Being interested in the continuity of experience (in the sense of the Educational Philosopher Jhon Dewey) I think that is important to have a OLPC machine that grows with the students. Etoys is fine for younger ones (we use in our clase) but Bots Inc makes a lot of sense for the "older".
  • The integration of social software and content with the OLPC experience. For example, using the Bots Inc environment in the OLPC image and having the possibility to publish/share/import code, results, content from Eduwiki (or other wikis) to OLPC, (this could make the people con work more on/off-line, which is important in the so called "developing nations" like Colombia).
  • The translation of rich format content like interactive mathematics and multimedia content and the integration of them with social software. Its related with the two previous items, but here the idea is start from Spanish original content and make bridges in the other sense. Multimedia and interactive mathematics has being two of my working topics from long time ago and I think that this have different requirements from "usual translations."

I didn't know where to put this information in your wiki, so I hope that here would be ok. I would like to hear your comments. You can reach me at:

offray dot luna @ javeriana dot edu dot co

