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pt Este usuário é um falante nativo do português.
Nuvola apps kworldclock.png This user's time zone is UTC+1.

About me

My name is Eduardo Silva.

All of these where made with Inkscape, and are plain SVG files. They are work in progress!

What comes up to your mind when you see it?).


Reasoning: I tried to convey in a simple way what people (kids and others) being part of the review groups will be doing, which is to "stamp" their reviews (likes and dislikes) on all kinds of content done for the XO (be it software, static, dynamic, etc). While also keeping in style with the One Laptop Per Child logos at

How it could fit with the OLPC logos:


Translation/Multilingual/Translate icon

The Template:


With a globe:


Totally inspired from the Language icon in OLPC Etoys:




Books Bundles


A Template Book, a Reference Book, a Picture Book, and a Story Book. These could be helpfull for Book Curators to use in their website, to advertise their bundles or use them as links to their bundles. Could also be used in the initial html page of the bundle itself, to pretty them up a bit.

Activity Icons


A sugarized Activity icon, representing a spoon. I will make some fine-tunes to it in the future.

My Random Notes


In Etoys, I want a player to move forward 5 steps a certain amount of times. But in succession, i.e, 5 steps forward, then +5 steps forward, etc. If in the same script I put "Repeat 5 times - Do forward 5", it will be the same as "forward 25" If I try create 2 scripts for the player, "player scriptA" contains "player forward by 5", and "player scriptB" contains "Repeat 5 times - Do scriptA", it also moves once 25 pixels. I can explain what and why I want to do this. I want to have an ovni to move a randon number of times in a direction, then a random number of times in another, and so on infinity. oh, and in random directions as well.

Figured a way by by looking at the Welcome Screen car script of the OLPC etoys.
I created a red polygon square around the screen. Then used this code for the Ovni script (Following the etoys look):
Test ovni's <blue> color sees <red> color
Yes ovni's forwardDirection decrease by (91 + random (90))
ovni forward by 10
ovni forward by 10
ovni bounce silence

There may be a better way, but right now this is how I did it.