Cheat codes

Revision as of 21:54, 18 August 2007 by CScott (talk | contribs) (Write a bit about game pad key combos on power-up.)
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A number of special actions are available by holding down game key combinations when the XO is powered on:

  • Rotate button: play "startup sound" at boot
  • 'X' game pad key: interrupt boot, provide Open Firmware prompt
  • 'O' game pad key: boot from backup OS image, for system recovery. (not yet in a stable build)
  • Left directional pad: try out "pretty boot" (be patient, early versions show a static boot screen for a long time)
  • Right directional pad: try it and see!

Further, the Autoreinstallation image uses a couple more special game key combinations:

  • 'X' and 'check' game pad keys: skip upgrade, just write activation lease to USB key and boot. (if your XO doesn't have a check key, use the 'O' key)
  • 'X' and 'square' game pad keys: wipe out user directory and do a factory-fresh install. (appropriate for upgrading machines straight from the factory)