Installing Debian as an upgrade

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These instructions assume you are starting from build 559 or later, which has support for booting from multiple images.

Secondly, you must have enabled the upgradable stuff; at the moment this is done by booting with 'upgrade' on the kernel command line. Deep magic here; it will become less magic in the future.

Now, boot into sugar. You are currently running from the system in /run/a, and /run/b contains a mirror image of this. We're going to replace /run/b with debian.

Step 1: from an existing debian system, as root (fakeroot won't work, sadly):

# apt-get install debootstrap
# mkdir mnt
# debootstrap etch mnt

Wait awhile. Eventually, you'll have a complete debian bootstrap system in mnt.

# tar -C mnt -czf xo-debian.tgz .
# /bin/rm -rf mnt

Put xo-debian.tgz on a usb key.

Step 2. from the XO, log in as root on console. Insert usb key.

# cd /run
# /bin/rm -rf b ; mkdir b ; cd b
# tar xzf /media/*/xo-debian.tgz

Step 3: configuration.

You need to setup the following files: /etc/hosts, /etc/fstab:

# cp /etc/hosts /run/b/etc/hosts
# cp /etc/fstab /run/b/etc/fstab

You also need to use the fix at [1] to make apt work.

Step 4: install fun stuff.

To be continued