Tests/TamTam Jam

< Tests
Revision as of 18:53, 18 September 2007 by AlexL (talk | contribs)
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Start up Activity


  1. Click on the TamTam Jam


  • TamTam jam becomes an icon in the donut
  • The icon flashes until the activity loads
  • The activity loads properly

Test basic Jam functions


  1. Click on one of the Drum sets in the main window, wait for sound, and click again.
  2. Click the small box in the bottom left corner of the drum set.
  3. Assign the 9 key to this instrument.
  4. Press the 9 key, wait for sound, and click again.
  5. Click on each of the tabs on the bottom of the window, and view all the various instruments.
  6. Click the triangle from under the "percussions" tab.
  7. Click loop2 under the "Loops" tab.
  8. Drag the loop2 over to the right side of the triangle until the edge around the triangle turns white; then let go of the loop.
  9. Click the Triangle and drag it around the screen.
  10. Click the loop, wait for sound, click the loop again.
  11. Click the small box in the bottom left corner of the loop attached to the triangle.
  12. Assign it the 0 key.
  13. Press the 0 and 9 keys an even number of times, so that neither instrument is playing when you're done.


  • The drums are highlighted and play sound when you click on them the first time.
  • The drums are no longer highlighted and stop playing sound when you click on them the second time.
  • Clicking on the small box brings up the Assign Key dialog box.
  • Clicking 9 in the dialog box causes the small box to have the number 9 in it.
  • When you press the 9 key, the drums are highlighted and play sound.
  • When you press the 9 key again, the drums are no longer highlighted and stop playing sound.
  • Clicking on each tab brings up the instruments, loops, etc... that go with that tab in the window below it.
  • Clicking on the triangle creates a triangle icon in the main window.
  • Clicking on loop2 creates a loop2 icon in the main window.
  • Dragging the loop2 so that it's left edge hits the right edge of the triangle causes the edge of the triangle to turn white.
  • Moving the triangle around brings the loop2 with it.
  • Clicking the loop2 highlights the loop and plays the sound of the triangle in the pattern of the loop.
  • Clicking the loop2 again causes the loop to no longer be highlighted and the sound stops.
  • Clicking the small box brings up the Assign Key dialog box.
  • Clicking 0 in the dialog box causes the small box to have the number 0 in it.
  • Clicking the 9 and 0 keys turn the drum and triangle sounds on and off, playing together.

Switch Between Desktops


  1. Click on the Desktop tab.
  2. Click on the buttons for desktops 3 and 9.
  3. Click on the button for desktop 1.


  • Clicking on the Desktop tab brings up the buttons for the 10 desktops at the top of the screen.
  • Clicking on the buttons for desktops 3 and 9 bring up those desktops.
  • The desktops should have the default set up, which was the original state of desktop one.
  • Clicking on desktop 1 brings you back to that desktop.
  • Desktop one is the same as when you left it.

Close the Activity


  1. Click the Activity tab.
  2. Click the X in the top right corner.


  • Clicking the Activity tab brings up the activity options.
  • The activity closes properly.