Emulation with VMWare
VMWare (Workstation, Player) is an emulator released as commercial software. The player version is distributed free of charge (Gratis). It runs on either Win32 or Linux host machines, allowing you to run OLPC images within the virtual machine. A Mac version is also available, VMWare Fusion, however this is not provided free of charge (a free 30-day evaluation is available).
Quick Start
You'll probably want two different Virtual Machines. For serious development, a Fedora 7 with sugar-jhbuild. For play, you will likely want to just run the XO Emulator, see Emulating_the_XO/UsingVMware. You need the Fedora 7 system, so you can use GIT for creating patches. With F7, you're also unlikely to lose your work accidentally while you can still easily run the latest version. The XO image is nice, beacuse it is much more responsive than F7+Sugar-jhbuild. However, sound and networking may or may not work, depending on the image you are using.
The quickest way to get started:
- First get a preconverted XO image, see Emulating_the_XO/UsingVMware (don't worry about getting the latest). Be sure to change networking to 'bridged' if you want to access the virtual XO using ssh from another machine in your network. Now you have something to play with, while getting the real environment.
- The next steps will take the better part of a day to complete, if not more on a slower machine. Don't even think about this on a G4 or even a G5. Use an Intel-Mac. You can try this with 1GB of RAM in your Mac, but 2GB is a more realistic minimum. 3GB is perfect.
- So: Join one of the IRC channels! This will kill time :) You will probably want to start either in #sugar for hacking on activities or #olpc for core hacking. #olpc-content is about creating/maintaining materials (you don't actually need an F7 vmware for that!). A lot of people just hang out in two or all three of those. Ask if someone knows about a little thing to hack on. There are always buttons to be added, simple things to be done. Those will get you to learn the environment, really quickly.
- Create a new virtual machine and do a base F7 install on it. Make sure you give the disk at least 15GB max size. If you have the disk space, preallocate it now. That will give you a twofold increase in performance. If you have plenty of RAM, set the virtual machine to 800MB. Give it access to all your CPUs too (default is one). Don't worry about packages yet. That will come scripted in the next step. note: There is a preinstalled 'virtual appliance' F7 available via vmware.com, but you'll need to increase its disk size first. It maxes out at 4.7GB. 2GB short of a working sugar-jhbuild environment.
- Next: follow the instructions on Sugar on Fedora 7. Skip the Sugar with sugar-jhbuild step on that page.
- Now do everything on Sugar with sugar-jhbuild. Your home directory is a fine place. The update step will take long-ish, downloading 1.6GB of data (using compression so probably around 400MB in actual download). The build phase is correspondingly long, too: On a 2.4Ghz Core2 duo iMac with 3GB ram it took about two hours. YMMV.
- Additionally, you can (and should!) look at http://dev.laptop.org for things to do. There are two 'beginner' links there.
- Official OLPC build 557 is known to work under VMWare with networking (tested on Linux AMD64 host).
- A kernel driver (Ensoniq ES1371) has been added to allow sound support https://dev.laptop.org/ticket/3034.
- Fedora 7 (with some hiccups) and Ubuntu Feisty both run under VMWare, you can thus use VMWare to create a sugar-jhbuild developer's desktop environment (recommended only for those wishing to do work on the core software.
- You will need to use ssh, rsync, or another standard Unix mechanism to share files with the image under the Player version of the software.
- On Linux, VMWare setup requires a package of kernel modules
The VMWare/VirtualBox images are converted from the official images using a simple downloading script. You can either download and convert the official images yourself or use a pre-converted image.
Downloading a Pre-converted Image
Pre-converted images are made available periodically to support those who do not have Qemu's tools installed on their workstations. Choose the .zip file for the version you require.
Read bug #3470 before choosing builds 578-581!
Building an Image from Scratch
- Download an official devel-ext3 image (<thefile>.img.bz2)
- bunzip2 <thefile>.img.bz2
- use the qemu-img function from Qemu to convert the image into a vmdk file
- qemu-img convert <thefile>.img -O vmdk <thefile>.vmdk
Now create a new VMWare "Machine":
- "New Virtual Machine", "Typical", OS Type "Other Linux 2.6.x kernel"
- Network Address Translation (NAT) networking (recommended, try others if you like)
- Disk configuration (irrelevant, we're going to overwrite it)
Edit "Machine" Settings:
- Memory 512MB (recommended for development work, 256 more closely simulates an XO)
- Remove the auto-generated hard-disk
- Add a new hard disk, "Existing Disk Image", choose <thfile>.vmdk
- Ensure that audio is enabled
Once you have booted the machine, you will need to specify a name for yourself and choose an XO colour. You will then need to configure the collaboration server. To do this, pull up the developer's console, and use the "vi" editor to change the configuration file ~/.sugar/default/config to change the "server=" line to "server=olpc.collabora.co.uk".
When this is done, reboot. The virtual XO should now have networking support and should show you a network view with other XOs logged on.
OLPC Clones
VMware Workstation has a nifty feature called "Linked Clones." This enables users to deploy virtual machines based on the "template virtual machine" that take up very little space. For example, I can make a OLPC virtual machine, turn it into a template, make a clone, and the clone will take up ~6 megs of disk space when not running. When running, it will consume more diskspace as ram.
Why Are OLPC Virtual Machine Clones Useful?
It is now extremely easy to test mesh networking and networking activities in general. The folks at OLPC Austria have done something similar with qemu, but that requires additional software to manage a virtual ethernet network. VMware workstation provides more networking support out the box.
In addition, the clones would take less disk space than it would to run multiple instances of qemu images.
Creating the Template OLPC Virtual Machine
- Follow the above steps for creating a OLPC virtual machine, but when done, do not boot it up. This is extremely important! Booting it up and making a clone of that will cause unpredictable behavior such as no setup username screen ever displaying.
- Now, edit the virtual machine's settings and go to the options tab. Choose "Advanced" and check the "Enable template mode" checkbox and hit OK.
- Go to the snapshot manager for this virtual machine and choose to take a snapshot in its powered off state. Give it a useful name like, "OLPC Base Template" with a description of perhaps "Not booted yet." Save this.
- You now have a template VM for cloning!
Deploying Clones From The Template OLPC Virtual Machine
- Select the template OLPC VM and choose to clone it.
- In the dialog box that pops up, select next.
- Choose the existing snapshot (It will be called "OLPC Base Template" if you followed the above instructions exactly) and hit next.
- Choose "Create a linked clone" - This will greatly save on disk space.
- Give the clone a name and a place to live in and click through.
- Now you can boot the clone!
- To get access to the root console, that is, virtual console 1
- You can use CTRL-ALT + space then F1, that is, hold down CTRL-ALT while you press the spacebar and then the F1 key. You can do the same with F3 to get back to your normal X session.
See Also
- VirtualBox is an emulation system with similar performance and usage
- Qemu is an Open Source emulation system