Talk:Sugar demo 2

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Why does the presence screen have people's faces on it? Given that the kids won't have cameras of any sort it may be rather difficult to get photos to put there in the first place. I would think that kids would find it more useful to have that space filled by additional identity information such as sex, age, grade, school, home village or neighborhood.

Has anyone on your team reiewed the Cybiko and how it handled presence and chat? They allowed users to input profiles that included stuff like interests. Then strangers who met some profile requirements would automatically pop up when in range.

They also allowed for a topical chat where people who were interested in a certain topic could chat while people chatting about another topic were invisible. Because this was all peer-to-peer over their radios it wasn't quite the same thing as chatrooms on IM, it was more of a different way to slice and dice the matching profile idea.