Talk:Official OLPC FAQ

Revision as of 07:14, 13 November 2007 by AlbertCahalan (talk | contribs) (should be direct and to the point, to avoid angry mobs storming 1cc with torches)
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What can a $1,000 laptop computer do that the XO Laptop cannot?

It's better to just get to the point on this one, clear and no-nonsense.

limited by hardware
full-screen video, modern 3D graphics, Microsoft Windows
limited by software
YouTube video, MP3 playback, spreadsheets

Proposed new text:

Building a rugged and efficient laptop for under $200 obviously requires compromise. The XO is unable to do accelerated 3D graphics as used by many games, is unable to run Microsoft Windows, and is not expected to do full-screen video. Currently the included software does not include support for YouTube video, MP3 playback, or spreadsheets. The XO does not include built-in Ethernet or modem hardware.

AlbertCahalan 02:14, 13 November 2007 (EST)