Content Management/Test Plan

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Strategy & Plans

Our test strategy involves several components:

  • White Box testing: Occurs during development via unit testing.
  • Black Box testing: Manual testing of interface.
    • This testing mode also involved positive and negative testing. First, common use case were attempted, followed by deliberate attempts to break the system.

Quality Goals

At minimum, our goal was to have the critical use cases for our program working. This means that content should be submittable, viewable, and searchable. In the process of performing these actions, the user should not be presented with any unexpected errors. An unexpected error is one that is caused by a faulty system, rather than an message explaining user error (example: "You didn't fill in a required field")

Test Cases




  • Table of contents
  • Goals for test
  • Basic Testing Strategies
  • list of resources needed
    • pc
    • people
    • time
  • Schedule
  • Test case specification
    • TC1:
      • precondition:
      • sequence of events
      • postcondition
  • Results
    • Example: table
      • test case, tester 1, tester2, test3, tester4, tester5
      • PASS/FAIL
  • Explain reason of failure