The current Etoys version for OLPC is based on the version. It runs on the latest Squeak VM with minimal Sugar glue code. The details of sugarizing Etoys were documented as the Low-level Activity API.
You can examine the glue code used by SimCity.
# -*- mode: python; tab-width: 4 -*- # # SimCity, Unix Version. This game was released for the Unix platform # in or about 1990 and has been modified for inclusion in the One Laptop # Per Child program. Copyright (C) 1989 - 2007 Electronic Arts Inc. If # you need assistance with this program, you may contact: # or email # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at # your option) any later version. #[Portions of license removed] import gtk import os import signal import tempfile import logging import sys import time import subprocess import thread import fcntl from sugar.activity import activity from sugar.activity.activity import get_bundle_path from sugar import profile from gettext import gettext as _ from glob import glob try: import pygame.mixer pygame.mixer.init() except: pass try: from sugar.presence import presenceservice except ImportError: from sugar.presence import PresenceService as presenceservice def QuoteTCL(s): return s.replace('"', '\\"') class SimCityActivity(activity.Activity): def __init__(self, handle): activity.Activity.__init__(self, handle) self.set_title(_('SimCity Activity')) self.connect('destroy', self._destroy_cb) self.connect('focus-in-event', self._focus_in_cb) self.connect('focus-out-event', self._focus_out_cb) signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, self._sigchild_handler) self._bundle_path = get_bundle_path() if False: # FIXME: Plug SimCity's window into a gtk socket. # Doesn't work yet, but it would be cool if it did. socket = gtk.Socket() try: self.set_canvas(socket) except AttributeError: self.add(socket) socket.connect('plug-added', self._plug_added_cb) socket.connect('plug-removed', self._plug_removed_cb) win = socket.get_id() command = os.path.join( self._bundle_path, 'SimCity') args = [ command, #'-R', str(win), # Set root window to socket window id '-t', # Interactive tty mode, so we can send it commands. ] logging.debug("CWD: " + self._bundle_path) logging.debug("SIMCITY ARGS: " + repr(args)) self._process = subprocess.Popen( args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True, cwd=self._bundle_path, preexec_fn=lambda: os.chdir(self._bundle_path)) logging.debug("STARTING THREAD... " + str(self._stdout_thread_function)) t = None try: t = thread.start_new( self._stdout_thread_function, ()) except Exception, e: logging.debug("EXCEPTION " + str(e)) self._stdout_thread = t logging.debug("STARTED THREAD. " + str(t)) uri = handle.uri or logging.debug("SIMCITYACTIVITY SUGARSTARTUP URI " + repr(uri)) self.send_process( 'SugarStartUp "' + QuoteTCL(uri) + '"\n') nick = profile.get_nick_name() or logging.debug("SIMCITYACTIVITY SUGARNICKNAME NICK " + repr(nick)) self.send_process( 'SugarNickName "' + QuoteTCL(nick) + '"\n') #logging.debug("started SimCity, pid " + repr(self._pid)) ps = presenceservice.get_instance() for buddy in ps.get_buddies(): self._buddy_appeared_cb(ps, buddy) ps.connect("buddy-appeared", self._buddy_appeared_cb) ps.connect("buddy-disappeared", self._buddy_disappeared_cb) def _stdout_thread_function(self, *args, **keys): logging.debug("_stdout_thread_function BEGIN " + repr(args) + " " + repr(keys)) f = self._process.stdout fcntl.fcntl(f.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFD, 0) while True: line = 'XXX' try: line = f.readline() except Exception, e: logging.debug("READLINE EXCEPTION " + str(e)) break logging.debug("LINE: " + repr(line)) line = line.strip() if not line: continue words = line.strip().split(' ') command = words[0] if command == 'PlaySound': logging.debug("PLAYSOUND " + " ".join(words[1:])) self.play_sound(words[1]) else: pass # logging.debug(">>> " + line) logging.debug("_stdout_thread_function END") def play_sound(self, name): fileName = os.path.join( self._bundle_path, 'res/sounds', name.lower() + '.wav') print "PLAY_SOUND " + fileName try: sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(fileName) except Exception, e: print "Can't play sound: " + fileName + " " + str(e) pass def send_process(self, message): logging.debug("SEND_PROCESS " + message) self._process.stdin.write(message) def share(self): logging.debug("SHARE") Activity.share(self) self.send_process( 'SugarShare\n') def quit_process(self): logging.debug("QUIT_PROCESS") self.send_process( 'SugarQuit\n') time.sleep(10) def _plug_added_cb(self, sock): logging.debug("SimCity window opened") return False def _plug_removed_cb(self, sock): logging.debug("SimCity window closed") self.destroy() return False def _destroy_cb(self, window): logging.debug("SimCity activity destroyed %r" % window) self.quit_process() def _focus_in_cb(self, window, event): logging.debug("SimCity activated %r %r" % (window, event)) self.send_process( 'SugarActivate\n') def _focus_out_cb(self, window, event): logging.debug("SimCity deactivated %r %r" % (window, event)) self.send_process( 'SugarDeactivate\n') def _buddy_appeared_cb(self, ps, buddy): try: key = buddy.props.key or nick = buddy.props.nick or color = buddy.props.color or address = buddy.props.ip4_address or except AttributeError: key = buddy.get_name() or nick = buddy.get_name() or color = buddy.get_color() or address = buddy.get_ip4_address() or logging.debug("SIMCITYACTIVITY _BUDDY_APPEARED_CB KEY " + repr(key) + " NICK " + repr(nick) + " COLOR " + repr(color) + " ADDRESS " + repr(address)) logging.debug("Buddy appeared " + repr(buddy.props.nick)) self.send_process( 'SugarBuddyAdd "' + QuoteTCL(key) + '" "' + QuoteTCL(nick) + '" "' + QuoteTCL(color) + '" "' + QuoteTCL(address) + '"\n') def _buddy_disappeared_cb(self, ps, buddy): try: key = buddy.props.key or nick = buddy.props.nick or color = buddy.props.color or address = buddy.props.ip4_address or except AttributeError: key = buddy.get_name() or nick = buddy.get_name() or color = buddy.get_color() or address = buddy.get_ip4_address() or logging.debug("SIMCITYACTIVITY _BUDDY_DISAPPEARED_CB KEY " + repr(key) + " NICK " + repr(nick) + " COLOR " + repr(color) + " ADDRESS " + repr(address)) logging.debug("Buddy disappeared " + repr(buddy.props.nick)) self.send_process( 'SugarBuddyDel "' + QuoteTCL(key) + '" "' + QuoteTCL(nick) + '" "' + QuoteTCL(color) + '" "' + QuoteTCL(address) + '"\n') def _sigchild_handler(self, signum, frame): logging.debug("got signal %i %r %r" % (signum, frame, self._process)) sys.exit(0)
Don Hopkins did the work. I believe that Don stole some of it from the eToys glue code.
If you're going to stick it in documentation as an example, then I recommend using the Micropolis version (with the EA trademarks untimely ripp'd out), which should be in git within a week, under micropolis-acivity.
The [;a=summary SimCity project] is written in C with TCL scripting.
This isn't a very Sugarized app, but it runs, goes in the donut, quits properly, and plays sounds. It also tries to be installable as a .xo file (see the src/Makefile -- this works for initial installs, but not for upgrades due to Sugar bugs). It notices but ignores all the sharing stuff at the moment; we could barely figure out the UI syntax to share an app, let alone how to program it, nor what it would mean to the gameplay of SimCity.
To come.