Dictionary indian languages

Revision as of 02:18, 28 November 2007 by (talk) (New page: A comparative dictionary for over 25 Indian languages is available which will add rich content for every child's laptop. Details can be seen at http://kalyan97.googlepages.com/indicfamily...)
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A comparative dictionary for over 25 Indian languages is available which will add rich content for every child's laptop.

Details can be seen at http://kalyan97.googlepages.com/indicfamilyoflanguages

The Indian Lexicon is at http://hindunet.org/saraswati/html/alphaseq1.htm (also available in semantic sequence and sequence of english meanings)

The language-specific words of key words of each language can also be presented in the required language scripts using UNICODE.

Dr. S. Kalyanaraman Sarasvati Research Centre kalyan97@gmail.com