XMPP Component Protocol

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Information about the protocol for the OLPC-specific XMPP server component.

Protocol Overview

Laptops query the server about activities and buddies. For both kinds of query, there is at most one result set active at any given time. Result sets are managed using the Result Set Management (RSM) XMPP extension, as described in XEP-0059.

The component sends notifications to clients based on their current result sets.

Activity Protocol

Namespace: http://laptop.org/xmpp/activity


Return all activities matching the properties given.

Example: XO searches for all instances of the "Connect" activity.

 <iq type="get" from="joe@jabber.laptop.org" to="index.jabber.laptop.org">
   <query xmlns="...">
       <property type="str" name="type">org.laptop.Connect</property>

Example: XO searches for an activity by ID.

 <iq type="get" from="joe@jabber.laptop.org" to="index.jabber.laptop.org">
   <query xmlns="...">
     <activity id="abcde123" />

Search results can contain information about the buddies in them.

Example: server replies to query.

 <iq type="get" from="joe@jabber.laptop.org" to="index.jabber.laptop.org">
   <query xmlns="...">
     <activity activity="...">
       <property type="str" name="type">org.laptop.Connect</property>
       <buddy jid="bob@jabber.laptop.org">
         <property type="str" name="color">#005FE4,#00A0FF</property>

Change announcement

Example: server notifies client about change in activity properties:

 <message type="notice" from="index.jabber.laptop.org" to="joe@jabber.laptop.org">
   <change xmlns="...">
     <properties xmlns="..." activity="abcde123">
       <property type="str" name="tags">news, france</property>

Join announcement

Example: XO tells the component that it has joined an activity.

 <message type="notice" from="joe@jabber.laptop.org" to="index.jabber.laptop.org">
   <activity xmlns="...">
      <joined />

Announce that somebody has joined an activity.

 <message type="notice" from="index.jabber.laptop.org" to="joe@jabber.laptop.org">
   <activity xmlns="..." activity="abcde123"">
     <joined jid="bob@jabber.laptop.org" />

Departure announcement

Announce that someone has departed an actvitiy.

 <message type="notice" from="index.jabber.laptop.org" to="joe@jabber.laptop.org">
   <activity xmlns="..." activity="abcde123"">
     <left jid="bob@jabber.laptop.org" />


Announce that all participants have departed an activity.

 <message type="notice" from="index.jabber.laptop.org" to="joe@jabber.laptop.org">
   <activity xmlns="..." activity="abcde123"">

Buddy Protocol

Namespace: http://laptop.org/xmpp/buddy


Fetch information about buddies. Similar to activity querying.


 <iq type="get" from="joe@jabber.laptop.org" to="index.jabber.laptop.org">
   <buddy jid="bob@jabber.laptop.org" />


 <message type="notice" from="index.jabber.laptop.org" to="joe@jabber.laptop.org">
   <change xmlns="..." jid="bob@jabber.laptop.org">
       <property type="str" name="tags">news, france</property>