Obsolete:Upgrade VIP

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  • 406.14 was shipped from Quanta with B3 units and has a sound related bug -- tamtam sound doesn't work. You need to upgrade these to 406.15 minimum. This build should only be used for extending trials, where they have a bunch of B2 units that can't run newer builds very well. This build has no collaboration capability.
  • 542 was shipped from Quanta on B4 and C machines. This build also has a problem with sound. It is required to upgrade to 542.3 (sound works), or 542.4 for non-US/English laptops (sound works for everything but tamtam, so this build removes tamtam from base). This build was used for demonstrating collaboration and can be used on newer B2 machines (B2-2); but it is slow and the camera is not great.
  • 623 was shipped from Quanta on C2 (MP) machines. This build has some problems with wireless connectivity and needs to be upgraded to 649.
  • 649 is now the latest build is going to be shipped on mass production units. It is good for all laptops from B3 and later. Do not upgrade B2 units to this release as it is way too slow; and the camera is unusable.

Follow the steps below to upgrade to the appropriate release.

Upgrade B3, B4, C1, C2 units to Build 649

  1. First ensure you have a power adapter AND battery plugged into the laptop.
  2. Insert the 'Build 649' USB stick into the laptop while it is powered off; and power on holding the Square key.
  3. While booting up look for the 'Openfirmware CL1 Q2D05' message. When it is finished booting, hit Alt+Ctl+Mesh keys together; check that the version number is 649.
  4. If you need to add flash and Watch&Listen go to the next section.
  5. If you are finished and ready to ship, type 'root', hit return, and then 'shutdown -h now'

To Add flash info

  1. Leave the 'Build 649' stick in the laptop
  2. Type 'root'
  3. Type 'cd /media/BUILD/'
  4. Type 'sh extras.sh'
  5. When this finishes; type 'cd /home/olpc'
  6. Use Alt+Ctl+home to go back to sugar, open the journal and unmount the USB from the icon there. When the USB successfully unmounts, then remove it.
  7. Use sugar 'reboot' to go onto the test section.


  1. In the mesh view, click on the circle labeled "MediaLab 802.11".
  2. Wait until the circle outline is blinking; then you should see other XOs.
  3. Start 'Browse'.
  4. From the browser, click on google search and search on 'cats' (or anything you want); make sure you get a good page.
  5. Go back to the browser; click on books, and then books again.
  6. Click on the Quaran; open it from the clipboard when it has finished loading.
  7. Close the book.
  8. Use the browser to open and play a utube video (look for a very small one) to know that flash is working.
  9. Open the Journal and see the browse activity listed.
  10. Go to the Home view, hover over the XO; click on shutdown.

Change Language

  1. boot up laptop and ctl-alt-mesh
  2. log in as root
  3. nano /etc/sysconfig/i18n
  4. change LANG to appropriate value, 'en_US.UTF-8' for english; 'es_AR.UTF-8' will give you spanish for Argentina.
  5. ctl-x, and 'yes' to save
  6. type 'cat /etc/sysconfig/i18n' to check.
  7. shutdown or reboot (from sugar)

For Builds over 623

  1. open the Terminal activity
  2. nano /home/olpc/.i18n
  3. change LANG to appropriate value, 'en_US.UTF-8' for english; 'es_AR.UTF-8' will give you spanish for Argentina.
  4. ctl-x, and 'yes' to save
  5. type 'cat /home/olpc/.i18n' to check.
  6. reboot (from sugar)

See also Localization, XO_l10n and Olpc-utils

Change Laptop name/color

If you want to remove the name and color chosen, then, before you shutdown:

  1. Alt+Ctl+Mesh
  2. Login as root
  3. cd /home/olpc/.sugar/default
  4. rm config
  5. rm owner.*
  6. power off (to shut down)

If you want to change just the name:

  1. Alt+Ctl+Mesh
  2. Login as root
  3. type 'nano /home/olpc/.sugar/default/config'
  4. change the name in this file; then hit Ctl+X to exit and type 'yes' to save
  5. to test this, use Ctl+Alt+Erase for a quick reboot
  6. hover over the XO and see that it has the new name.
  7. power off

In house pre-activation and Upgrade

  1. Ensure you have both a power adapter and a battery plugged into the laptop.
  2. Insert the 'dk' (developer key) USB stick into the laptop.
  3. Power up and hit ESC when it starts to count down (before booting into sugar)
  4. Type 'add-tag ak'
  5. Hit return
  6. You may have to wait for a reboot; Hit ESC and then type the same thing again (it will tell you in red if you need to do this)
  7. When it reboots again, hit esc and then remove the 'dk' USB stick.
  8. Power off
  9. Insert the 'bl' (BUILD 647) USB stick.
  10. Press the Power button and then immediately press all four game key buttons.
  11. When it says 'release the game keys', release all buttons.
  12. The laptop will first upgrade the firmware; then reboot and start the block by block writing to the NAND and should take a few minutes to complete.
  13. It will reboot when it is complete -- try to remove the USB key while it is in power off stage.
  14. When it is finished booting you should see the nickname start page.

For Test units:

  1. Add the nickname and choose a color (default is good)
  2. Hit enter to boot all the way into sugar.
  3. Hold down Alt, Ctrl, and 'mesh' (the third button along the top row that is a black circle with 8 small white dots).
  4. Hit return to get the login prompt. Type 'root', and hit return.
  5. Check the version by reading the label just above the login: OLPC Build 647 (match that against expected build number).
  6. Type 'poweroff' to shut down the laptop, package it.