Talk:Environmental Impact

Revision as of 03:01, 6 December 2007 by Homunq (talk | contribs)
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If the laptop battery is recharged using muscle power, it will impact the food a child needs. A simple conversion assuming a 90% efficient charging cycle and 15% efficient human food to muscle power conversion results in 105-140 calories of food required for each laptop recharge. Extra calories used due to thinking more aren't included!

Wh 16.5 22.0
cal 14187.4 18916.6
kcal (aka food calories) 14.2 18.9
generator efficiency 90% 15.8 21.0
human food to muscle work conversion efficiency 15% 105.1 140.1
One of the reasons why the solar option is so appealing. --Walter 21:11, 5 December 2007 (EST)
Also, even in the 3rd world, a majority of children have some play room between the calories they consume and the physical work they are expected to do. If they don't, a laptop is really not what they need anyway, and probably not what anybody would give them, to boot. Homunq 22:01, 5 December 2007 (EST)