Dial-up access

Revision as of 05:54, 8 December 2007 by Quozl (talk | contribs) (first pass at dial-up howto, but avoid duplication of other documentation elsewhere)
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How to use dial-up access with an XO.

Note: while it is possible, it is not part of the deployment plans, so do not treat this as a fault.

Components to Add

As of build ship.2-650 the following software components need to be added to gain dial-up access:

  • kernel drivers for USB modems,
  • PPP.

In addition, the following software components would be helpful:

  • a user interface for configuring,
  • a user interface for starting and stopping.

Option 1 - Augment

  • disable and remove Network Manager,
  • install the ppp package using yum,
  • manually configure PPP for on-demand dial-up per PPP documentation.

Option 2 - Debian GNU/Linux