Keyboard shortcuts

Revision as of 09:11, 11 December 2007 by Walter (talk | contribs)
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This page provides a listing of the agreed upon shortcuts for the system at large and for various controls within the activities, which should be referenced for consistency across them. For a high-level philosophical on the usage of various modifier keys, please refer to the HIG.

Please see cheat codes for a list of boot options.

The Ctrl key has a solid diamond on it (♦); The Alt key has an open diamond on it (♢);

Keystroke Description
Ctrl-Tab Cycle forward through running activities
Shift-Ctrl-Tab Cycle backward through running activities
Ctrl-Tilde Cycle forward through running instances of the current activity
Shift-Ctrl-Tilde Cycle backward through running instances of the current activity
Ctrl-c Copy to clipboard
Ctrl-v Paste from clipboard
Ctrl-x Cut (and copy to clipboard)
Ctrl-q Quit
Ctrl-u View source
Fn-Space View source
Ctrl-alt-erase Restart Sugar
Alt-1 Screen shot saved to Journal
X(top-left)-frame(top-right)-right arrow-fn Recallibrate touchpad (aka Four finger salute) Fn should be pressed last