
Revision as of 21:59, 16 December 2007 by Walter (talk | contribs)
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This is one of the template files for the new—as of January, 2007—laptop.org website. Translators, please note that this is a template file. You should copy this file into a PO file specific to your target language rather than doing in-line edits here, e.g., PO-laptop.org-children-es for Spanish.

The PO files are organized by sections:

Basic terms common to many pages, and pages that represent the top level of the website hierarchy:


Individual sections:


Auxilliary pages:


#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OLPC website files Version 2.0\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-12-16 18:00-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

# common

msgid "gettingstartedtitle"
msgstr "getting started"

msgid "gettingstarteddescription"
msgstr "an introduction to the XO laptop"

msgid "gettingstartedkeywords"
msgstr "help"

msgid "gettingstartedth1"
msgstr "help topics"

msgid "gettingstartedt1"
msgstr "opening the laptop"

msgid "gettingstartedt2"
msgstr "getting connected"

msgid "gettingstartedt3"
msgstr "using activities"

msgid "gettingstartedt4"
msgstr "inviting a friend"

msgid "gettingstartedt5"
msgstr "sharing with the neighborhood"

msgid "gettingstartedt6"
msgstr "using your journal"

msgid "gettingstartedt7"
msgstr "ebook mode"

msgid "gettingstartedt8"
msgstr "home view"

msgid "gettingstartedt9"
msgstr "friends view"

msgid "gettingstartedt10"
msgstr "neighborhood view"

msgid "gettingstartedt11"
msgstr "activity view"

msgid "gettingstartedt12"
msgstr "laptop features"

msgid "gettingstartedt13"
msgstr "external ports"

msgid "gettingstartedt14"
msgstr "keyboard"

msgid "gettingstartedt15"
msgstr "battery"

msgid "gettingstartedt16"
msgstr "troubleshooting"

# troubleshooting.html

msgid "troubleshootingh1"
msgstr "Troubleshooting guide"

msgid "troubleshootingp1"
msgstr "As a non-profit association, OLPC is unable to provide direct technical support. One goal of the project is that children will learn to troubleshoot the XO themselves and subsequently use their experiences to help others. This support process is already underway in our international deployments—we encourage you to participate in this support network."

msgid "troubleshootingp2"
msgstr "Information can be found online: on our <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Support" target="_blank">wiki</a>; the <a href="http://laptop.org/gettingstarted">laptop.org</a> website; <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Mailing_lists" target="_blank">email lists</a>; and <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/IRC" target="_blank">IRC channels</a>."

msgid "troubleshootingp3"
msgstr "If you have a question about your XO that is not addressed in the list of questions below and you are unable to find an answer online, please send us an email at <a href="mailto:help@laptop.org">help at laptop.org</a>."

msgid "troubleshootingh2"
msgstr "What if my laptop does not turn on?"

msgid "troubleshootingp4"
msgstr "Is the power adapter plugged in both to the wall and to the laptop?"

msgid "troubleshootingp5"
msgstr "<img src="../../img/battery-green.png" border="0" alt="battery light on" width="30" height="18" /> <img src="../../img/battery-gray.png" border="0" alt="battery light off" width="30" height="18" /><br/> Is the battery light illuminated? (The battery light is in the shape of a battery; it is to the lower-right of the display. It should be on—green or orange—whenever the laptop is plugged in.)"

msgid "troubleshootingp6"
msgstr "<img src="../../img/power-button.png" border="0" alt="power on" /><br/>Did you press the power button? (The power button is in the lower-right corner of the display unit.)<br/>Note that you need only press the power button; you do not need to hold it down."

msgid "troubleshootingp7"
msgstr "<img src="../../img/power-light-on.png" border="0" alt="power on" width="40" height="40" /> <img src="../../img/power-light-off.png" border="0" alt="power off" width="40" height="40" /><br/>Is the power light illuminated? (The power light to the right of the battery light, to the lower right of the display. The power light should come on—green—after you press the power button.)"

msgid "troubleshootingh3"
msgstr "How do I turn off my laptop?"

msgid "troubleshootingp8"
msgstr "You turn off the laptop by holding down the power button for 10 seconds (or you can use the hover menu on the Home view—select the shutdown option).

msgid "troubleshootingh4"
msgstr "What if my battery does not work?"

msgid "troubleshootingp9"
msgstr "Is it properly inserted into the laptop?<br/>Did you allow for a full charge?"

msgid "troubleshootingh5"
msgstr "What does the battery indicator-light color mean?"

msgid "troubleshootingp10"
msgstr "<img src="../../img/battery-green.png" border="0" alt="battery light on/fully charged" width="30" height="18" /> green means the laptop is plugged in and the battery is fully charged;<br/><img src="../../img/battery-orange.png" border="0" alt="battery light on/charging" width="30" height="18" /> yellow/orange means the laptop is plugged in and the battery is charging;<br/><img src="../../img/battery-gray.png" border="0" alt="battery light off/running on battery power" width="30" height="18" /> no light when the laptop is powered on means it is running on battery power;<br/><img src="../../img/battery-gray.png" border="0" alt="battery light off/not charging" width="30" height="18" /> no light when the laptop is powered off means the battery is <i>not</i> recharging;<br/><img src="../../img/battery-red.png" border="0" alt="battery light red/battery power low" width="30" height="18" /> red means the battery is low; it should be recharged."

msgid "troubleshootingh6"
msgstr "How long should a fully charged battery last?"

msgid "troubleshootingp11"
msgstr "With standard operation, the battery should last approximately 3–5 hours. Certain applications, such as video, may reduce overall battery performance. Turning the backlight off saves battery power. (Future software releases are expected to improve battery life.)

msgid "troubleshootingh7"
msgstr "What if I cannot get online?"

msgid "troubleshootingp12"
msgstr "Do you have wireless internet/WiFi nearby?<br/><br/> Is your WiFi access point locked? If yes, you must have the password in order to connect.<br/><br/> Have you connected to your WiFi access point?<br/><br/>You need to go to the Neighborhood view and click on the circle that represents your WiFi access point (the name of the access point is displayed when the cursor is placed over a circle). Once you have single-clicked on the circle representing your access point, the center should blink. When you are connected, the rim of the circle turns white; the center blinking stops. If your access point is locked, you will be prompted to insert a key. (Be sure to select the proper key format for your access point from the pull-down menu.) You can confirm that you are connected by returning to the Home view and hovering over the network status circles. (Please see the <a href="connecting.shtml">Connecting Guide</a>.)"

msgid "troubleshootingh8"
msgstr "How do I save my work?"

msgid "troubleshootingp13"
msgstr "Your work is automatically saved for you in the <a href=journal.shtml>Journal</a>."

msgid "troubleshootingh9"
msgstr "How can I backup my work?"

msgid "troubleshootingp14"
msgstr "You can backup your work onto a USB storage device. When you insert a USB storage device into any one of the three USB slots, it is automatically mounted and appears as an icon in the Journal (at the bottom of the screen). You can drag and drop Journal entries onto the icon in order to transfer them to the USB device. When you are finished, use the hover menu to unmount the device."

msgid "troubleshootingh10"
msgstr "How can I add new programs and content to the laptop?"

msgid "troubleshootingp15"
msgstr "OLPC maintains an <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Activities" target="_blank">Activities</a> page on our wiki with links to many additional programs for your XO. You can install new programs directly from the web browser. Activities are “bundled” in files with a .xo suffix. Clicking on a bundle will cause it to download from the Internet into the Journal. Launching the bundled activity from the Journal will install it on the taskbar. Similarly, you can download content, such as PDF or DOC files, videos, and music into the Journal.<br/><br/> You can also install software and content from an USB storage device from within the Journal.<br/><br/>Finally, you can install software and content from the Terminal activity, which gives you access to the Linux command shell."

msgid "troubleshootingh11"
msgstr "How can I add proprietary software such as Adobe Flash® to my XO?"

msgid "troubleshootingp16"
msgstr "OLPC advocates the use of free and open source software; however, there are situations where one may want to use a proprietary alternative. General instructions on how to load many popular proprietary packages can be found in our <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/RestrictedFormats" target="_blank">wiki</a>. Additional information about software and system customization can be found <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Customizing_NAND_images" target="_blank">here</a>."

msgid "troubleshootingp17"
msgstr "The laptop comes preinstalled with <a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/" target="_blank">Gnash</a>, a non-proprietary Flash player. If you would like to install Adobe Flash, please refer to these <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Adobe_Flash" target="_blank">instructions</a>."

msgid "troubleshootingh12"
msgstr "How do I upgrade the software on my laptop?"

msgid "troubleshootingp18"
msgstr "Your laptop is programmed to automatically check for software updates whenever you connect to the Internet. You can turn this feature off from the Sugar Control Panel (see below)."

msgid "troubleshootingh13"
msgstr "How do I change the color of my XO? How do I change my nickname?"

msgid "troubleshootingp19"
msgstr "There are many user settings that can be changed from the Sugar Control Panel, including your colors and nickname. Instructions can be found in the <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Sugar_Control_Panel" target="_blank">wiki</a>."

msgid "troubleshootingh14"
msgstr "Are there any keyboard shortcuts for navigating the user interface?"

msgid "troubleshootingp20"
msgstr "The system-wide <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Keyboard_Shortcuts" target="_blank">keyboard shortcuts</a> are listed in our wiki. There are additional shortcuts assigned by individual activities that are documented on their pages in the wiki."

msgid "troubleshootingh15"
msgstr "I am an educator. Is there more information about how I can participate?"

msgid "troubleshootingp21"
msgstr "We have numerous pages in our wiki dedicated to our educational mission. A good starting point is <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Educators" target="_blank">here</a>."

msgid "troubleshootingh16"
msgstr "I am a software developer. Is there more information about how I can participate?"

msgid "troubleshootingp22"
msgstr "We have numerous pages in our wiki dedicated to software development. A good starting point is <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Developers_program" target="_blank">here</a>."

msgid "troubleshootingh17"
msgstr "How do I get a developer key for my laptop?"

msgid "troubleshootingp23"
msgstr "Please follow the instructions in the <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Activation_and_Developer_Keys" target="_blank">wiki</a> for information about developer keys."

msgid "troubleshootingh18"
msgstr "I would like access to the source code. Where do I go?"

msgid "troubleshootingp24"
msgstr "Source code unique to the project can be found in our <a href="http://dev.laptop.org/git" target="_blank">git repository</a>. Additional source code can be found at the Red Hat Fedora <a href="http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/OLPC/SourceRepository" target="_blank">source repository</a>."

msgid "troubleshootingh19"
msgstr "Release notes"

msgid "troubleshootingp25"
msgstr "There are several known shortcomings of the “Ship.2” software release:"

msgid "troubleshootingp26"
msgstr "(1) there is no support for WPA-enabled WiFi access points;<br/>(2) there is no printing support;<br/>(3) suspend/resume support is incomplete; <br/>(4) the cursor is not displayed in “rich text” fields in the browser; <br/>(5) the Browse activity cannot play video or audio made by the Record activity; and <br/>(6) the cursor sometime jumps erratically due to a miscalibration error—you can recalibrate the touchpad by doing the “<a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Keyboard_Shortcuts" target="_blank">four-finger salute</a>”."

msgid "troubleshootingp27"
msgstr "Additional details are available in the <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Software_Release_Notes" target="_blank">Release Notes</a>."

msgid "troubleshootingp28"
msgstr "(Please note that most of these problems will be addressed in our next software release, scheduled for early 2008. Thank you for your patience.)"

msgid "troubleshootingh20"
msgstr "How do I report a bug?"

msgid "troubleshootingp29"
msgstr "We are very interested in bug reports. Please report bugs by sending email to <a href="mailto:bugs@laptop.org">bugs at laptop.org</a>. Developers, please continue to file bugs in our <a href="http://dev.laptop.org" target="_blank">tracking system</a>."

msgid "troubleshootingp30"
msgstr "We are also interested in your suggestions for enhancement to our system.</p>
msgid "troubleshootingp31"
msgstr "Community input and collaboration is vital to the success of OLPC. Thank you for your participation.</p>

msgid "troubleshootingh21"
msgstr " "

msgid "troubleshootingp32"
msgstr "power and battery"

msgid "troubleshootingp33"
msgstr "internet"

msgid "troubleshootingp34"
msgstr "journal"

msgid "troubleshootingp35"
msgstr "software"

msgid "troubleshootingp36"
msgstr "developers"

msgid "troubleshootingp37"
msgstr "report a bug"