One-sentence specification list
0. Key
wiki pages and their style guidelines are all community-driven. {notes in curlies} indicate importnat items whose definitions may change. * in progress.
I. Libraries and Activities
Library interface : A dynamic and searchable view of the collections and activities on one's XO, including data from one's Journal and from accessible online collections; including a way to add new collections to what is locally accessible, and a way to explicitly see and update one's local cache.
Contribution process : Guidelines and explicit forms for contributing files, bundles, or collections to be automatically-bundled to the [[global library]] and to one's local network; the former through interfaces on the Internet, the latter through the local library interface.
- one global process; national addenda*
Educational categories : A set of top-level categories for early education, from the source at core library topics, according to guidelines for category priority, with a section for new category suggestions.
- one globally. localized*.
XO core content : A set of bundles about the XO and other, filtered up via the featured content page, selected by the {OLPC team}.
- one per language*.
XO bundle archive : A set of activity and library bundles stored on-disk, not quite as good or central as the core library but shipped on every laptop. Includes other featured content, bundles chosen for their compliance with the featured content guidelines
- one globally. localized*.
Exemplary content bundles : Bundles covering a specific topic in broad, simple strokes, with links to originals and further information online, and clear attribution of authors and curators.
- one for select topics (biology, picturbooks, &c). localized*.
XO core activities : A set of core activities that ships on every build (no distinction between 'olpc-maintained', 'etoys-maintained', &c), selected from the list at core activities by the {OLPC team}.
XO bundled activities : A set of activities included in the XO bundle archive, from the list of featured activities, selected for their compliance with featured activity guidelines.
XS school content : A set of free/NC bundles and large datasets for a school library, including all featured bundles; drawn from the [[featured collections]] list and guided by the relevant guidelines, in three versions:
- (1) for a 1GB USB stick ( one per language )
- (2) for a DVD ( one globally, many langs )
- (3) for 150GB of disk ( one globally, " ", with
regional non-free variants)
Global library : guidelines for contributing content and code to, organizing, and browsing the global library of collections of material produced by the XO network.
- one globally, localized.
Local libraries: Guidelines for defining and linking to [[local repositories]] of libraries and collections designed for use with the XO; including non-free additions to the XSL (3), existing digital libraries, and any other materials.