Weekly zine

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Currently: Weekly zine/proposed urls

XO Magazine

Milestones for 2008:

  • Jan 20th-Sunday : First edition - Public Announcement and seeing out to the mailing lists.
  • Jan 19th-Saturday : pre-final copy to Phil for copy editing.
  • Jan 19th-Saturday : All articles and text due to Seth for compilation.
  • Jan 15th to 18th : Gathering of community activities and summaries.
  • Jan 13th to 15th : Discussions , URL/Names, and gathering input, about format, volunteers, and ideas.

Contact info

Zine Volunteers - Editorial Board

Copy-editor/Proof reader:

Wiki Summary:
Mailing List/annoucements:
l10n and support updates:
Country and trial schools:
Admins, vandals, whatnot:


Seth (irc:isforinsects)
Phil B. (irc : Phil_Bordelon)
Seth (irc : isforinsects)

Seth (irc : isforinsects)
Iain D (irc : IainD)
Phil B. (irc : Phil_Bordelon)
Mel (irc : mchua)
vacant (irc : ?)
Adric (irc : adric_work)
vacant (irc : ?)
Firefoxman (irc : ffm)

?SJ Klein ?


  • Media/Press updates
  • Summarize of various active areas.
    • OLPC Mailing lists
    • OLPC Wiki updates
    • OLPC news
    • OLPC forum
    • OLPC chat
    • Other announcements, Newly formed or active project updates.
  • Country/trials/schools - news from XO Laptop siets.
  • Personal focus: interview, background
  • Education/research projects
  • XO photo of the week.
    • only 1 or 2
    • Sized to fit side-by-side on page)
    • Or scattered on the page(s)

(See Discussion page for details on what's to come !)

First issue articles

= Education/Research

  • Intro to Papert's work
  • Reprint of the canonical "Negroponte + rural kids with laptops" story that inspired OLPC years and years ago
  • Reprint (try to get author permission) of the India computer-in-the-wall story
  • Introducing grassroots groups (possibly spotlight 1-2)
    • India
    • Peru(?)
    • Nepal
    • Philippines
    • Austria (case-sewing party)
    • Taiwan
    • USA
      • SeaXO
      • CMU games
      • MIT media lab (Mako, etc.)
      • Olin?
      • IMSA?
  • Quick summary of pilot classroom field reports over the last year
  • Teacher comments