Copy to and from the Journal

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This page will document ways of getting files from the Linux file system on the OLPC into the Journal within Sugar.

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  1. Comment : there's some whitespace here:

rect 135 205 345 408 Other support

  1. maybe desc none is better. testing.

desc none


Copy to Journal Script

This python script [] by Reinier Heeres and Phil Bordelon seems to do the trick.

This allows you to copy files from linux to the Journal filesystem.

To use it, save it using the name Save it in /home/olpc using the Opera web browser. Go to the Terminal Acticity, and type

cd /home/olpc

To go to the directory you saved the file in. Then type

chmod a+x

To make the file executable. Then type

  • But replace FILENAME with the name you saved in the filesystem,
  • replace MIMETYPE with the mimetype (eg txt or pdf).
  • replace TITLE with the name you want in the journal.

Copy from Journal script

[This script] allows you to copy files from the Journal to the linux filesystem.

To use it, save it using the name Save it in /home/olpc using the Opera web browser. Go to the [[]Terminal]], and type

cd /home/olpc

To go to the directory you saved the file in. Then type

chmod a+x

To make the file executable. Then type

python -t NAME

But replace NAME with the name you saved in the Journal.