User:Mchua/Weekly updates/2008-12-12

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  • Deployment tech support things from last week
    • check that there's nothing new from Rwanda, Ethiopia, or Afghanistan
    • RT23542 on getting Activity usage data
  • Tech-team meeting (2-3)
  • internal QA meeting (4-5)
    • write up notes for QA meeting (on train)
    • send out post-meeting notes for QA meeting
  • Set up Test cases 8.2.1 as a test plan for Eco/8.2.1
    • send out for review/comment
  • find (or email) SJ asking for direction on how to start helping with marketing (done: set up meeting Tuesday)


  • Check and update Test cases 8.2.1 from Eco/8.2.1
  • Deployment tech support things from last week
    • send out questions to Greg/Kim/Reuben on lease activation
    • XS discussion for Greg, in case it's different from the above
    • spare parts ticket
    • XS setup ticket
    • ticket on what the process might look like for testing Lease Management between XS and XO in the beta of 9.1.
  • Roadmap gang draft comments for Greg Smith
  • community testing
    • follow up on Activity testing in Wellington
    • (if time) work on metrics/reporting tools
    • (if time) follow-up on XS and automation testing work that volunteers have started doing
    • (if time) check and reply to items on the testing mailing list
  • Check outstanding items from last week
  • Email Kim
  • 8.2.1 testing
    • Check in with each developer on techteam re: 8.2.1 testing, or send the email I just sent to Michael to all of techteam.
    • Make sure there are final test cases or plans for such for all tickets in Test cases 8.2.1 before Thursday's CTest mtg
  • Meeting with SJ on IRC (9pm) to find out what help he wants from me for marketing (We talked, I'm still confused, he'd like me to work on "community," best as I can tell, and requested that I recontact him when I feel my mind is less cluttered. Oh well. I'm going to make my own plans for this, and run with them until I'm told otherwise.


  • Read SL Deployment meeting logs, email dirakx
  • Learning Team / Tech Team meeting (10-11)
  • Talk with Kim about priorities (11-11:30)
  • Meeting with Simon and Marco about the Sugar Labs Bugsquad: objective is to plan for a smooth transition of Activity testing to upstream after Dec. 25 (11:30-12:30)
  • 9.1. roadmap meeting (2-3)
