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I bought my XO through the Give 1 Get 1 program.

Although I've used computers for many years (mostly DOS/Windows, a little Mac), it's been a steep learning curve on my "goofy green laptop," but it's been fun. Mostly I use it as an e-book reader because it's small, lightweight, and the battery holds a charge through my commute. (I had been drooling over a commercial e-book reader before I learned about G1G1. It cost about the same but didn't have the wi-fi and other features--and, of course, it didn't allow me to donate a second machine to a child in a developing country.)

As I learn to use more of the installed applications and install a few new ones, I hope to make more extensive use of it.

Oh, and when my little green computer and I are out in public, it attracts a lot of attention!