User:Mchua/Braindumps/SoCon conversations

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  • What happened the first run
  • Current thoughts on infrastructure
    • semantic mediawiki application site to go live (alpha) this weekend
    • can someone handle paperwork and finances? (can someone2 pay someone1 to do this?) to "centralize overhead"
  • internationalization
    • must build pool of application review volunteers in target languages (what are they?)
    • much larger push to other countries - unrestricted funding will help with this
  • "Schedule?"
    • Rolling admissions
    • Designated "start date" with the ability to petition for exceptions
    • iCommons summit announcement
  • Keeping track of projects
    • Make 1 in every 10 projects "meta," supporting SoCon itself
    • Require each project to have at least 1 team member dedicated to public-facing outflow