Revision as of 12:50, 31 March 2008 by Bbasgen (talk | contribs) (Added meeting location)
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The XO in Arizona

The first (February, 2008) meeting of the Arizona Users Group.

Join the Arizona XO Users Group! We are a growing group of over 10 individuals with an interest in the XO as an educational tool for our classrooms throughout the state, and to explore the technology of the XO and have fun with them!

So far, we have had two meetings in Tucson.


Members willing to have information posted include:


  • K-12 education in Arizona
  • College education also! (maybe)

Meeting Location

Our usual meeting location is:


Evan, you posted this, but we haven't managed to contact you. Hi!

If you live in Arizona and are interested in forming a regional XO group, please contact Evan Drake, Evan works for an Apple store in Tucson, AZ, and would love to support testing and fundraising around the area.