Accessibility Computing Numerical Pointer

Revision as of 08:21, 6 February 2007 by (talk) (Setting out the basic structure of the page)
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The Accessibility Computing Numerical Pointer is intended to be implemented as an auxiliary program which can be accessed from any program which wishes to use it.

The idea is that by using just ten digit keys and one extra key to signify ENTER that pointer events and associated information can be generated and passed to the calling program. In addition, the Accessibility Computing Numerical Pointer is intended to provide some other facilities, such as generating Unicode characters and selecting colours.


The Numerical Pointer Room

At entry the following values are set.

x value alcove

y value alcove

z value alcove

The Unicode Room

At entry the following values are set.

higher values alcove

The Colour Selection Room

At entry the following values are set.

preset colours alcove

red value alcove

green value alcove

blue value alcove

a value alcove

Implementation on the OLPC laptop