Checking the Layout configuration

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Check the manufacturing Data

(information that comes with the laptop, and should state what language it should be in)

  • Boot into the ok prompt
  • type: .mfg-data
  • next to LA should be the code for the three letter country code of the laptop

Changing mfg data (with q2c27a only)

You can't do this with the firmware we make available to the public.

  1. Install special firmware
  2. Reboot holding the X game button and then hit escape to get to the OK prompt
  3. Type 'change-tag TN <value string>' where TN is the two letter tag and value string is the new value
 Example: change-tag LA RUS
  (changes the laptop to russian)

Check the Internationalization File

  • In a terminal, type: cat /etc/sysconfig/i18n
  • The i18n file will look something like:
  • LANG="{two letter language code}_{two letter country code}.UTF-8" (the country code us only used if there are multiple countries with that language)

Check the xorg.conf File

(This is what decides what keyboard mapping will be used by the laptop)

  • In a terminal, type: less /etc/X11/xorg.conf
  • Look at the section labeled "InputDevice" (it will have lines something close to the following)
    • Option "XkbLayout" "us"
    • Option "XkbVariant" "olpc"
  • The XkbLayout is the two letter country code of the laptop. country codes
  • Changing this will change the keyboard mapping that the laptop uses.
  • press q to quit.