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(New page: <murielgodoi> Hi <deepank____> Hi <murielgodoi> I was reading the Food Force 2 wiki page before our meeting <murielgodoi> so I joined olpc-foodforce2... and was waiti...)
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<murielgodoi> Hi
<murielgodoi> Hi
<deepank____> Hi

<murielgodoi> I was reading the Food Force 2 wiki page before our meeting
<deepank____> Hi
<murielgodoi> so I joined olpc-foodforce2... and was waiting there

<murielgodoi> I was reading the Food Force 2 wiki page before our meeting
<murielgodoi> my bad
<murielgodoi> I typed wrong
<deepank____> ok :)
<murielgodoi> so I joined olpc-foodforce2... and was waiting there
-->| Ankur (i=Anks@ has joined #olpc-foodforce
<deepank____> did you get my mail earlier in the week?
<murielgodoi> my bad
|<-- Ankur has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))

<deepank____> I received no replies on it from you that time
<murielgodoi> I typed wrong
<deepank____> Are you there?

=-= YOU are now known as deepank
<deepank____> ok :)
<Ankur> Hello Muriel

<murielgodoi> heelo
-->| Ankur (i=Anks@ has joined #olpc-foodforce
<deepank> Hello Ankur

|<-- Ankur has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
<deepank____> did you get my mail earlier in the week?
<murielgodoi> about python coding

=== ankur is offline.
|<-- Ankur has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
->| Ankur (i=Anks@ has joined #olpc-foodforce

<-- Ankur has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
<deepank____> I received no replies on it from you that time
<deepank> Yes

<murielgodoi> As I was a java developer before coding in python, I'm used to
<deepank____> Are you there?

<murielgodoi> due to that I use eclipse for coding
=-= YOU are now known as deepank
<murielgodoi> some people doesn't like it

<murielgodoi> but i think it is a quite good
<Ankur> Hello Muriel
<murielgodoi> it has code-complete

<murielgodoi> heelo
<murielgodoi> auto formating
<deepank> ok, so pretty useful

<murielgodoi> yep. but it can seems a little bit confusing for new users
<deepank> Hello Ankur
<deepank> I started compiling code on command line though ... I will move on

to Eclipse in this project later on
|<-- Ankur has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
-->| Ankur_ (i=Anks@ has joined #olpc-foodforce

<murielgodoi> about python coding
<murielgodoi> you can try it, but you are free to decide the best for you
<murielgodoi> that is not a rule.

|<-- Ankur_ has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
=== ankur is offline.
<deepank> yes I understand.

<murielgodoi> I agree about the question number 2
-->| Ankur (i=Anks@ has joined #olpc-foodforce
<deepank> Ok I will make the changes then

<murielgodoi> using espeak is a very interesting idea for internationalization and
|<-- Ankur has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
save disk space

<murielgodoi> I already tried that on my XO
<deepank> Yes
<murielgodoi> how do you think we can do in order to improve the voice quality?/

<deepank> Ok. I saw it on someone else's XO though. Should I apply for an XO
|<-- deepank__ has left freenode (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
in developer program or should I wait

<deepank> I will have to talk about that with the developers.
-->| Ankur (i=Anks@ has joined #olpc-foodforce
<murielgodoi> wait for now... we should have arguments to ask XOs for you,,. and

by now we don't have it
|<-- Ankur has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
<murielgodoi> further, when coding specific code for XO we can do that

<deepank> Yes very true, when we port the game to Xo then only I will require
<murielgodoi> As I was a java developer before coding in python, I'm used to
it I think. What is the exact procedure for the application.
<deepank> The GTK development can be done without that.

<murielgodoi> the second link about gobjects seems very instructive and easy to
-->| Ankur (i=Anks@ has joined #olpc-foodforce

<murielgodoi> I think in 2 weeks I will finish my master tasks and help you me in
|<-- Ankur has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
the code

<murielgodoi> due to that I use eclipse for coding
<murielgodoi> fix: help you more in the code
<deepank> thats great

<deepank> Did you think about the design of
<murielgodoi> some people doesn't like it
<murielgodoi> you can start by simple methods to listen gui events and change it

in them model
<murielgodoi> but i think it is a quite good
<murielgodoi> remember the gui widgets are not coded in GTK

<murielgodoi> it has code-complete
<murielgodoi> are in pgu
<murielgodoi> It is not a good idea mix gtk and pygame in the same code

<deepank> Yes
-->| Ankur (i=Anks@ has joined #olpc-foodforce
<murielgodoi> for that reason the pgu library was used

<deepank> I have not gone through the pgu library, googling it
|<-- Ankur has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
<murielgodoi> It is a simple one to code gui widgets using pygame

<murielgodoi> auto formating
<murielgodoi> and allows us create skins for it
<murielgodoi> like as I did for create sugar skin

<deepank> yes
-->| Ankur (i=Anks@ has joined #olpc-foodforce
<deepank> So my next task will be to get conversant with pgu library ....

<murielgodoi> yep.. that is a good begin
=-= Ankur is now known as Ankur_

<murielgodoi> I just add food force artwork request there
|<-- Ankur_ has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
<deepank> I think till now I am fairly good with python, I got a book from

library and have been studying it.
<deepank> ok, so pretty useful
<murielgodoi> great

<deepank> Do you find somethings which you would like to point out in the
<murielgodoi> yep. but it can seems a little bit confusing for new users
small code that I sent you earlier.

<murielgodoi> well as long as i read, it seems good. but I didn't performed a deep
<deepank> I started compiling code on command line though ... I will move on
checking into it
to Eclipse in this project later on
<deepank> ok

<deepank> what about the repository request. Is it still pending
-->| Ankur_ (i=Anks@ has joined #olpc-foodforce
<murielgodoi> yep... I don't know if they understantod me right... I will try to

solve that by irc
<murielgodoi> you can try it, but you are free to decide the best for you
<deepank> ok. So, what are the major tasks that should be done till the next

<murielgodoi> that is not a rule.
<murielgodoi> comunicate with (stripped from

<deepank> Yes
|<-- Ankur_ has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
<deepank> Any specific information that might prove helpful to us

<murielgodoi> for each control as 'buy' the view should send a messtage to the
<deepank> yes I understand.

<murielgodoi> which will be listen for it and perform some method
|<-- deepank___ has left freenode (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
<murielgodoi> that method will send a message to the model and perform the data

<murielgodoi> data update
-->| Ankur_ (i=Anks@ has joined #olpc-foodforce
<deepank> ok

<murielgodoi> I am still thinking in a way to the player set the quantity what
|<-- Ankur_ has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
will be bought

<murielgodoi> I agree about the question number 2
<murielgodoi> separate the 3 components in 3 model view control
<murielgodoi> and learn how to send and receive message between them

<murielgodoi> simple messages by now
<deepank> Ok I will make the changes then
<deepank> hmm Are there any controls for building and upgrading level of

<murielgodoi> using espeak is a very interesting idea for internationalization and
<murielgodoi> you can test it by using simple hello worlds
save disk space
<deepank> right

<murielgodoi> I already tried that on my XO
<murielgodoi> it will be. but there is no gui for that developed in the view
<murielgodoi> checkout the Memorize code can be usefull to see gobjects working in

a real aplication
<murielgodoi> how do you think we can do in order to improve the voice quality?/
<deepank> So i should concentrate on message passing for now and don't go into

the code of gui in pgu folder.
<deepank> Ok. I saw it on someone else's XO though. Should I apply for an XO
<deepank> Can you give me the link
in developer program or should I wait
<murielgodoi> yep

<deepank> I will have to talk about that with the developers.
<deepank> Thanks

<murielgodoi> wait for now... we should have arguments to ask XOs for you,,. and
<murielgodoi> additionally should be nice you install and try dopewars game... to
see who the trade system works
by now we don't have it
<murielgodoi> s/who/how

<deepank> I will definetely
<murielgodoi> further, when coding specific code for XO we can do that
<murielgodoi> Can you pass the instructions to the others?

<deepank> Yes very true, when we port the game to Xo then only I will require
<deepank> Yes I will. Actually I forgot to tell you; due to the installation
of Wi-Fi in the hostel, Anubhav and Ankur are facing problems
it I think. What is the exact procedure for the application.
<deepank> They have been in contact with me on the phone.

<deepank> The GTK development can be done without that.
<deepank> Do you use GTalk or any other IM also.
<murielgodoi> I am not used to. but I can set gtalk up if it help us to better

<murielgodoi> the second link about gobjects seems very instructive and easy to
<deepank> Ok then we should stick to IRC for now, I don't think gtalk is
available in linux yet, though we can always use Pidgin or chat in browser.

<murielgodoi> ok I will set it up
-->| Ankur_ (i=Anks@ has joined #olpc-foodforce
<deepank> So let us meet on next Tuesday same time at olpc-foodforce channel.

<deepank> You will not require to set it up; just install pidgin or use it
|<-- Ankur_ has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
from mozilla itself.

<murielgodoi> I think in 2 weeks I will finish my master tasks and help you me in
<murielgodoi> ok at olpc-foodforce :)
<deepank> Good Night then, take care
the code
<murielgodoi> good night, thanks

<murielgodoi> take creayou too
-->| Ankur_ (i=Anks@ has joined #olpc-foodforce
<murielgodoi> take care you too

<murielgodoi> please log the meeting into wiki
|<-- Ankur_ has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
<deepank> Yes I will.

<murielgodoi> fix: help you more in the code
<murielgodoi> thanks
<murielgodoi> night, see you

<deepank> thats great

<deepank> Did you think about the design of

<murielgodoi> you can start by simple methods to listen gui events and change it
in them model

<murielgodoi> remember the gui widgets are not coded in GTK

<murielgodoi> are in pgu

<murielgodoi> It is not a good idea mix gtk and pygame in the same code

<deepank> Yes

<murielgodoi> for that reason the pgu library was used

|<-- deepank____ has left freenode (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))

<deepank> I have not gone through the pgu library, googling it

<murielgodoi> It is a simple one to code gui widgets using pygame

<murielgodoi> and allows us create skins for it

<murielgodoi> like as I did for create sugar skin

<deepank> yes

<deepank> So my next task will be to get conversant with pgu library ....

<murielgodoi> yep.. that is a good begin


<murielgodoi> I just add food force artwork request there

<deepank> I think till now I am fairly good with python, I got a book from
library and have been studying it.

<murielgodoi> great

<deepank> Do you find somethings which you would like to point out in the
small code that I sent you earlier.

<murielgodoi> well as long as i read, it seems good. but I didn't performed a deep
checking into it

<deepank> ok

<deepank> what about the repository request. Is it still pending

<murielgodoi> yep... I don't know if they understantod me right... I will try to
solve that by irc

<deepank> ok. So, what are the major tasks that should be done till the next

<murielgodoi> comunicate with (stripped from

<deepank> Yes

<deepank> Any specific information that might prove helpful to us

<murielgodoi> for each control as 'buy' the view should send a messtage to the

<murielgodoi> which will be listen for it and perform some method

<murielgodoi> that method will send a message to the model and perform the data

<murielgodoi> data update

<deepank> ok

<murielgodoi> I am still thinking in a way to the player set the quantity what
will be bought

<murielgodoi> separate the 3 components in 3 model view control

<murielgodoi> and learn how to send and receive message between them

<murielgodoi> simple messages by now

<deepank> hmm Are there any controls for building and upgrading level of

<murielgodoi> you can test it by using simple hello worlds

<deepank> right

<murielgodoi> it will be. but there is no gui for that developed in the view

<murielgodoi> checkout the Memorize code can be usefull to see gobjects working in
a real aplication

<deepank> So i should concentrate on message passing for now and don't go into
the code of gui in pgu folder.

<deepank> Can you give me the link

<murielgodoi> yep


<deepank> Thanks

<murielgodoi> additionally should be nice you install and try dopewars game... to
see who the trade system works

<murielgodoi> s/who/how

<deepank> I will definetely

<murielgodoi> Can you pass the instructions to the others?

<deepank> Yes I will. Actually I forgot to tell you; due to the installation
of Wi-Fi in the hostel, Anubhav and Ankur are facing problems

<deepank> They have been in contact with me on the phone.

<deepank> Do you use GTalk or any other IM also.

<murielgodoi> I am not used to. but I can set gtalk up if it help us to better

<deepank> Ok then we should stick to IRC for now, I don't think gtalk is
available in linux yet, though we can always use Pidgin or chat in browser.

<murielgodoi> ok I will set it up

<deepank> So let us meet on next Tuesday same time at olpc-foodforce channel.

<deepank> You will not require to set it up; just install pidgin or use it
from mozilla itself.

<murielgodoi> ok at olpc-foodforce :)

<deepank> Good Night then, take care

<murielgodoi> good night, thanks

<murielgodoi> take creayou too

<murielgodoi> take care you too

<murielgodoi> please log the meeting into wiki

<deepank> Yes I will.

<murielgodoi> thanks

<murielgodoi> night, see you

Revision as of 18:58, 4 March 2008

<murielgodoi>	Hi
<deepank____>	Hi
<murielgodoi>	I was reading the Food Force 2 wiki page before our meeting
<murielgodoi>	so I joined olpc-foodforce2... and was waiting there
<murielgodoi>	my bad
<murielgodoi>	I typed wrong
<deepank____>	ok :)
-->|	Ankur (i=Anks@ has joined #olpc-foodforce
<deepank____>	did you get my mail earlier in the week?
|<--	Ankur has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
<deepank____>	I received no replies on it from you that time
<deepank____>	Are you there?
 =-=	YOU are now known as deepank
<Ankur>	Hello Muriel
 <murielgodoi>	heelo
<deepank>	Hello Ankur
|<--	Ankur has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
<murielgodoi>	about python coding
===	ankur is offline.
->|	Ankur (i=Anks@ has joined #olpc-foodforce
<--	Ankur has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
<deepank>	Yes
<murielgodoi>	As I was a java developer before coding in python, I'm used to 
<murielgodoi>	due to that I use eclipse for coding
<murielgodoi>	some people doesn't like it
<murielgodoi>	but i think it is a quite good
<murielgodoi>	it has code-complete
<murielgodoi>	auto formating
<deepank>	ok, so pretty useful
<murielgodoi>	yep. but it can seems a little bit confusing for new users
<deepank>	I started compiling code on command line though ... I will move on 
to Eclipse in this project later on
-->|	Ankur_ (i=Anks@ has joined #olpc-foodforce
<murielgodoi>	you can try it, but you are free to decide the best for you
<murielgodoi>	that is not a rule.
|<--	Ankur_ has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
<deepank>	yes I understand.
<murielgodoi>	I agree about the question number 2
<deepank>	Ok I will make the changes then
<murielgodoi>	using espeak is a very interesting idea for internationalization and 
save disk space
<murielgodoi>	I already tried that on my XO
<murielgodoi>	how do you think we can do in order to improve the voice quality?/
<deepank>	Ok. I saw it on someone else's XO though. Should I apply for an XO 
in developer program or should I wait
<deepank>	I will have to talk about that with the developers.
<murielgodoi>	wait for now... we should have arguments to ask XOs for you,,. and 
by now we don't have it
<murielgodoi>	further, when coding specific code for XO we can do that
<deepank>	Yes very true, when we port the game to Xo then only I will require 
it I think. What is the exact procedure for the application.
<deepank>	The GTK development can be done without that.
<murielgodoi>	the second link about gobjects seems very instructive and easy to 
<murielgodoi>	I think in 2 weeks I will finish my master tasks and help you me in 
the code
<murielgodoi>	fix: help you more in the code
<deepank>	thats great
<deepank>	Did you think about the design of
<murielgodoi>	you can start by simple methods to listen gui events and change it 
in them model
<murielgodoi>	remember the gui widgets are not coded in GTK
<murielgodoi>	are in pgu
<murielgodoi>	It is not a good idea mix gtk and pygame in the same code
<deepank>	Yes
<murielgodoi>	for that reason the pgu library was used
<deepank>	I have not gone through the pgu library, googling it
<murielgodoi>	It is a simple one to code gui widgets using pygame
<murielgodoi>	and allows us create skins for it
<murielgodoi>	like as I did for create sugar skin
<deepank>	yes
<deepank>	So my next task will be to get conversant with pgu library ....
<murielgodoi>	yep.. that is a good begin
<murielgodoi>	I just add food force artwork request there
<deepank>	I think till now I am fairly good with python, I got a book from 
library and have been studying it.
<murielgodoi>	great
<deepank>	Do you find somethings which you would like to point out in the 
small code that I sent you earlier.
<murielgodoi>	well as long as i read, it seems good. but I didn't performed a deep 
checking into it
<deepank>	ok
<deepank>	what about the repository request. Is it still pending
<murielgodoi>	yep... I don't know if they understantod me right... I will try to 
solve that by irc
<deepank>	ok. So, what are the major tasks that should be done till the next 
<murielgodoi>	comunicate with (stripped from
<deepank>	Yes
<deepank>	Any specific information that might prove helpful to us
<murielgodoi>	for each control as 'buy' the view should send a messtage to the 
<murielgodoi>	which will be listen for it and perform some method
<murielgodoi>	that method will send a message to the model and perform the data
<murielgodoi>	data update
<deepank>	ok
<murielgodoi>	I am still thinking in a way to the player set the quantity what 
will be bought
<murielgodoi>	separate the 3 components in 3 model view control
<murielgodoi>	and learn how to send and receive message between them
<murielgodoi>	simple messages by now
<deepank>	hmm Are there any controls for building and upgrading level of 
<murielgodoi>	you can test it by using simple hello worlds
<deepank>	right
<murielgodoi>	it will be. but there is no gui for that developed in the view
<murielgodoi>	checkout the Memorize code can be usefull to see gobjects working in 
a real aplication
<deepank>	So i should concentrate on message passing for now and don't go into 
the code of gui in pgu folder.
<deepank>	Can you give me the link
<murielgodoi>	yep
<deepank>	Thanks
<murielgodoi>	additionally should be nice you install and try dopewars game... to 
see who the trade system works
<murielgodoi>	s/who/how
<deepank>	I will definetely
<murielgodoi>	Can you pass the instructions to the others?
<deepank>	Yes I will. Actually I forgot to tell you; due to the installation 
of Wi-Fi in the hostel, Anubhav and Ankur are facing problems
<deepank>	They have been in contact with me on the phone.
<deepank>	Do you use GTalk or any other IM also.
<murielgodoi>	I am not used to. but I can set gtalk up if it help us to better 
<deepank>	Ok then we should stick to IRC for now, I don't think gtalk is 
available in linux yet, though we can always use Pidgin or chat in browser.
<murielgodoi>	ok I will set it up
<deepank>	So let us meet on next Tuesday same time at olpc-foodforce channel.
<deepank>	You will not require to set it up; just install pidgin or use it 
from mozilla itself.
<murielgodoi>	ok at olpc-foodforce :)
<deepank>	Good Night then, take care
<murielgodoi>	good night, thanks
<murielgodoi>	take creayou too
<murielgodoi>	take care you too
<murielgodoi>	please log the meeting into wiki
<deepank>	Yes I will.
<murielgodoi>	thanks
<murielgodoi>	night, see you