Illinois Math and Science Academy Chapter/20080707

< Illinois Math and Science Academy Chapter
Revision as of 14:01, 7 July 2008 by ScottSwanson (talk | contribs) (Agenda: internal links should be internal)
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ILXO visit to IMSA!


How does arriving at 10:30 and leaving after lunch (at Culver's, or somewhere Not Arbor) sound?

  • Tour of and intro to IMSA, for Nikki/Chris/Tank who haven't had an opportunity to experience The Awesomeness yet. ;-)
  • Catch up on the wonderful things that happened in Texas (Scott, April-Hope)
  • Game Jam planning, if IMSA can host - evening of Friday the 11th through Sunday the 13th (Jim, how do we ask about whether we can have the Jam at IMSA?)
  • Repair center set up - when do you want to start accepting machines? (The answer can be anything from "July 7" to "sometime during the next school year.") if we get approval from Kim, Henry, etc. we might even be able to set you folks up with RT for tracking machines... or we can set it up on one of IMSA's servers, or a donated server (Mel offers her webspace as a fallback, but it's crawlingly slow as it's shared hosting).
  • Build testing for the month of July - I'd like to work out how we can set up the IMSA group as a nuclei for remote testing, if you're interested and will be talking with Charlie, Kim, and Joe back at 1cc to figure out stuff on the OLPC end so we'll know what they want tested and how - there's some on Friends in testing, but much more remains to be put in place.
  • Pilots. Let's figure out how we can get you folks some. ;)
  • "How to start a chapter kit" - what needs to happen for it to come into being? what should be in it? (what do you wish you'd had?)
  • Going through developers' program applications

I'm thinking we can transcribe and send out notes afterwards. If you can think of people who'd want to come or phone in (Kevin? Arjun?) we can try to find a way to do that as well.