Localization/Library/nature po

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This collection of PO-like string is intended for the Images & Maps | Nature section of the OLPC Demo Library.

msgid "images&nature-nature-daisy"
#en msgstr "African Daisy"
#es msgstr "Margarita Africana"
#pt msgstr "Margarida Africana"

msgid "images&nature-nature-daisy-author"
#en msgstr "Jon Sullivan"
#es msgstr "Jon Sullivan"
#pt msgstr "Jon Sullivan"

msgid "images&nature-nature-bumblebee"
#en msgstr "Bumble Bee"
#es msgstr "Abejorro"
#pt msgstr "Mangangá ou Abelhão"

msgid "images&nature-nature-v838star"
#en msgstr "V838 Monocerotis (star)"
#es msgstr "V838 Monocerotis (estrella)"
#pt msgstr "V838 Monocerotis (estrela)"

msgid "images&nature-nature-plasmalamp"
#en msgstr "Plasma Lamp"
#es msgstr "Lámpara Plasma"
#pt msgstr "Lâmpada de Plasma"

msgid "images&nature-nature-hotairballoons"
#en msgstr "Hot Air Balloons"
#es msgstr "Globos Aerostáticos"
#pt msgstr "Balões de Ar Quente"

msgid "images&nature-nature-lakefryxell"
#en msgstr "Lake Fryxell"
#es msgstr "Lago Fryxell"
#pt msgstr "Lago Fryxell"

msgid "images&nature-nature-lenadelta"
#en msgstr "Lena River Delta"
#es msgstr "Delta del Río Lena"
#pt msgstr "Delta do Rio Lena"

msgid "images&nature-nature-purineNP"
#en msgstr "Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase"
#es msgstr "<i>Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase</i>"
#pt msgstr "Purina-Nucleosídeo Fosforilase"

msgid "images&nature-nature-prismaticspring"
#en msgstr "Grand Prismatic Spring"
#es msgstr "La Gran Fuente Prismática"
#pt msgstr "Grande Fonte Prismática"

msgid "images&nature-nature-lunarlibration"
#en msgstr "Lunar Libration with Phase 2"
#es msgstr "Libración Lunar con Fase 2"
#pt msgstr "Libração Lunar com Fase 2"