OLPC DC Repair

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DC Repair Center


OLPC DC Repair is a repair center run by three high school students near Washington DC, later to be integrated into Arlington, VA's Career Center facility and programs.


The following are members of the repair center:


  • Getting set up, no news to speak of.


We follow the pricing recommended by OLPC, it is as follows:

  • For a tested screen: $70
  • Battery: $20
  • ALPS Touchpad: $20
  • Keyboard: $18
  • Power adapter: $15

In addition, the following services can be provided (5USD flat fee plus S/H):

  • Fix bad motherboard batteries and the bricking that occurs because of it.
  • Upgrading to the software build of your choice (656, 703, and the joyride builds) (may cause loss of data)
  • Replacing the backplate of your XO to the colors of your choice

Shipping/handling not included.


We have an OLPC Serial Adapter and can thus fix D6 brickings.

We received the following on 2008-06-19:

System Survey

  • Unit aa - Screen is faded, upgraded to 703na
  • Unit ab - Sticky keys (alt), upgraded to 703na - I'll play with it more to see if the sticky-key issue can be cured somehow...
  • Unit da - DOA, glued
  • Unit db - DOA, RTC error, done1
  • Unit dc - DOA, RTC error, done1
  • Unit dd - DOA, glued
  • Unit de - DOA, RTC error, done1
  • Unit df - DOA, RTC error, done1
  • Unit dg - DOA, RTC error (CNSAF), done1 (on loan)
  • Unit dh - DOA, RTC error (CNSAF), done1


A == Mash
D == Dead

DOA == Reported as Dead-On-Arrival


Please sent all inquires to OLPCdcrepair (at) gmail (dot) com