OLPC Learning Club D.C./NECC 2009 DC

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National Educational Computing Conference - NECC 2009 DC - Event Details

Members of the OLPC Learning Club DC and others will staff a presence for Sugar Labs and OLPC at the Open Source Playground at NECC. The newest release of the Sugar Learning Platform will be demonstrated, and 15 OLPC XO laptops will be on display.

Sunday, June 28 - Wednesday July 1, 2009
Washington, D.C. Convention Center

Largest education technology conference in the U.S.
12,000 attendees

Sugar Labs / OLPC Organizer

Mike Lee - curiouslee [at] gmail [dot] com

Sugar Labs / OLPC Activities

  • Staff a display of the Sugar Learning Platform and OLPC XO laptops at the Open Source Playground
  • Speak at NECC Unplugged "Fringe Conference" on Monday


  • Make connections with attendees on behalf of Sugar Labs and OLPC

Attendees and Availability for Exhibit Hall Coverage

The room for the Open Source Playground (where the XOs and Sugar will be displayed) will not be available for set-up until 4pm Sunday afternoon. Set-up will be 4-6:30pm...perhaps running later.

Open Source Playground hours: Monday, June 29, 8 am–4 pm; Tuesday, June 30, 9 am–4 pm; and Wednesday, July 1, 8 am–2 pm

  • Kevin Cole - All of the event
  • Jeff Elkner - Sunday evening for set-up
  • Anurag Goel - Most of the event
  • Luke Faraone - Most of the event
  • MacKenzie Morgan - All day Monday 6/29
  • Mike Lee - Sunday evening, all day Monday, after 3pm Tue and Wed
  • Mel Chua - Can setup all Sunday, help takedown Weds, still figuring out schedule in-between but should be good for at least part of this.
  • Paul Flint - Available for setup on Sunday and coverage of the Open Source pavilion.

Sugar Labs / OLPC Booth

  • Open Source Playground -- Where Sugar and the XOs will be on display

Open Source Playground

Monday, June 29, 8 am–4 pm; Tuesday, June 30, 9 am–4 pm; and Wednesday, July 1, 8 am–2 pm

Explore stations that feature K12LTSP thin-clients and a wide range of free software including Linux, GIMP, OpenOffice, Mysql, Firefox, Moodle, and more.

Coordinator: Randy Orwin, CoSN/EdTechLive


  • Related activity: Open Source Lab


Business meetings during NECC

  • Kathleen Harness of Etoys Illinois with Mike. Date/Time TBD.
  • Hailey Kuhn, VP of Business Development, Waterford Institute of Utah with Mike. Date/Time TBD.
  • iEARN. Date/Time TBD.

NECC Conference Schedule

  • Conference Schedule at a glance


  • Exhibit Hours


Exhibit Hours

The NECC 2009 exhibit hall will be open June 29–July 1, 2009, at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. Exhibit hours have been scheduled to provide maximum interaction between conference attendees and exhibitor personnel:

Monday, June 29 9:30 am–5:30 pm
Continental Breakfast in the Exhibit Hall 9:45–10:15 am
Tuesday, June 30 9:30 am–5 pm
Wednesday, July 1 9:30 am–2:30 pm

Should NECC 2009 Management find it necessary to alter exhibit hours in the best interest of the conference, Exhibitors will receive as much advance notice as possible.

Setup & Dismantle

Display space will be available for set-up in the Walter E. Washington Convention Center the following days and times:

Friday, June 26, 1–5 pm
Saturday, June 27, 7:30 am–6:30 pm
Sunday, June 28, 7:30 am–6:30 pm
Monday, June 29, 7:30–8:30 am (exhibits open at 9:30 am)

All exhibits shall remain in place until 2:30 pm on Wednesday, July 1. Return of crates and packing cases and dismantling of exhibits will commence on Wednesday, July 1, at 2:30 pm.


  • Pick up 15 XO laptops from storage at HacDC on Sunday at 3pm. Serge Wroclawski will be there to meet us.

6/25 - Jeff said he will go get the laptops.
6/25 - The asset tags have finally arrived for the OLPC Learning Club XO Lending Library laptops (of which 15 are going to NECC). So the conference setup will be a good time to affix them and enter the barcode numbers into the Google Spreadsheet. - Mike

  • Make up several Sugar on a Stick USB drives with latest "Strawberry" image available Wednesday 6/24

6/25 - Jeff says he will bring 6 SoaS Strawberry sticks on Sunday. We should be set.

  • Burn several Boot Helper CDs


  • Burn some quantity of Sugar Live CDs for limited distribution

Kevin may be able to burn some LiveCDs.
Latest XO-LiveCD image I could find is from March 2009:
Wed 6/23 - Mike dropping 100 CDs to Kevin in evening.
Thu 6/24 - Kevin got 100 LiveCDs burned with the help of access to a duplication machine.
Need to run off 50 sheets of 2-up labels
6/24 - 100 Color inkjet CD labels done. --Mike

  • Mike to finish assembling his presentation for NECC Unplugged talk on Monday. Test on Elluminate system.

Kim Caise open office hours for Elluminate Fri 6/26 4pm. Email Powerpoint to kcaise@gmail.com

  • Mike to finish Sugar Labs flyer and print 200 copies.


  • Randy Orwin said we all might have Open Source Pavilion Volunteer t-shirts.
  • 15 OLPC XO-1 Laptops to be moved from HacDC to Convention Center ( Here's what 19 of them looks like: http://www.flickr.com/photos/curiouslee/3574257293/ )
  • Caroline Meeks suggests a wifi access point to serve as a bridge between the XOs.
  • Collapsible booth backdrop on loan from Jonathan Blocksom. His booth is covered in all black fabric. He says he can drop it off Sunday at the Convention Center. ( What the booth structure looks like http://www.skyline.com/mirage-pop-up-promo )

6/25 - Jon confirmed by email that he can drop off the display between 3-4pm at the Convention Center. He has Mike's cell number.
6/25 - Have roll of sticky velcro for banners --Mike

  • Two horizontal banners. One new for Sugar Labs. One OLPC Learning Club from last year. Mike will review Sugar Labs banner proof Wed 6/24 at noon at FedEx Office on 7th Street. Final 32 x 79" vinyl banner ready Fri 6/26.

Wed 6/24 - Proof of portion of banner reviewed. Looked good. FedEx proceeding to print for Friday pickup.

  • Assume Randy Orwin will provide power strips and/or extension cords


  • Mel Chua staying at Mike Lee's house in Wheaton, MD just Saturday night.


  • NECC Conference Site


  • NECC Connects Blog


  • EdWeek Digital Education Blog


  • Unofficial NECC Mobile Site


  • EduBloggerCon - All day Saturday, 6/27, FREE


  • EduBloggerCon Agenda


  • EduBloggerCon Party - Saturday, 6/27, 6pm, FREE


  • Tips for surviving your first NECC


  • NECC Unplugged


  • NECC Unplugged Virtual Presenter Notes


  • OLPC Learning Club DC


  • NECC 2009 Info Page Stub on Sugar Labs Wiki


  • Sugar Labs DC


  • OLPC News


  • Ubuntu DC LoCo


  • HacDC


  • Sugar Labs - Sugar on a Stick - Strawberry


  • Sugar Labs Strawberry Press Release, June 24, 2009


  • OLPC Contributor's Program


  • RSS feed of OLPCorps Africa Team Blogs


  • Planet OLPC


  • Planet Sugar

