OLPCorps University of Pennsylvania, Kenya

Revision as of 20:56, 27 March 2009 by Ranwei (talk | contribs)
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Hello! We are 4 students from the University of Pennsylvania who formed UPenn OLPCorps to work with Magoso School in Kenya beginning around June 18. Our team members are:

Here's a bit more information about us:

Name Year Major Contact
Hafeez, Saara 2010 Information Management saara[at]wharton.upenn.edu
Kumar, Nikhil 2010 Music, Decision Processes nkumar2[at]wharton.upenn.edu
Modi, Neal 2010 Management, Public Policy nealsm[at]wharton.upenn.edu
Wei, Ran 2010 Finance, Computer Science ranwei[at]wharton.upenn.edu

Excerpts From Our Submitted Proposal