Pen Tablet Support/GTK Widget

< Pen Tablet Support
Revision as of 17:20, 12 April 2008 by Pdubroy (talk | contribs) (New page: This GTK widget is intended for applications that want to map tablet input to an on-screen widget that is the same shape and aspect ratio as the physical tablet. At its largest size, this ...)
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This GTK widget is intended for applications that want to map tablet input to an on-screen widget that is the same shape and aspect ratio as the physical tablet. At its largest size, this would take up the full width of the screen and approximately 1/3 of the height of the screen.

Note: As of April 12, 2008, this is being developed in Patrick Dubroy's git branch at


or on gitweb. Comments are welcome -- please leave them on the Talk page.


Using this widget is as simple as:

 from import TabletArea
 tablet_area = TabletArea()

This will create a gtk.DrawingArea on-screen. Whenever a stroke is detected on the tablet, a corresponding stroke will appear inside the widget. Some useful API:

 # Returns a list of strokes that have been made inside the tablet area
 # Returns a copy of the gtk.gdk.Pixmap displayed on the tablet area
 # Clears the tablet area -- both the pixmap and the list of strokes.

Full API documentation (subject to change) can be found here.

Sample Activity

For more information, please see the sample activity: source is in


or on gitweb. Alternatively, you can just grab the bundle: TabletAreaTest-1.xo.