Projects/Shining Star

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Shining Star Academy

  1. Name: Jan Grenzebach
  2. Home Adress: Seesenweg 8, 36199 Rotenburg/Fulda, Germany
  3. Email address:
  4. Employer (if any), Service Civil International German Section (Sandra Kowalski)
  5. Shipping address and instructions - telephone number : +49 162 639 55 71
  6. any special instructions | power adapter : British Standard, 220V | desired keyboard layout : US English

Location: Muhuru Bay, West Kenia

Coordinates: 0°59'50.29"S & 34° 5'14.95"E

Project Description: Shining Star Academy is an orphanage/learning institution that assists community children more especially orphans situated in Muhuru division of Migori district of the republic of Kenya.

Classroom work-teaching subjects like mathematics, Geography, physical education and extra curriculum · Foreign language-Germany · Participating/organizing sporting activities to build on children talents. · Environmental activities such as nursery tree preparation, tree planting etc · Agricultural activities farming. · Health education in the community in relation to HIV/AIDS.,317,0,0,1,0

Duration: 10 Month

4 Laptops

My Idea's:

I will teach child & youth in different subjects in school. It would be nice, if i could support the lessons through, video, bitmap, sounds and stuff. So the education is more varied.

Futhermore the pupils can use learning programms, for example in math.

Over the screen, its possible to watch videos for educational purpose: HIV enlightenment (youth), agriculture advise (farmers), AND what i think is IMPORTANT: Entertainment (all people)

{depends on internet connection (maybe i can send off the content in the nearest internet cafee)} 1+2+3

1)I have good contacts to schools in germany, it would be much more faster and steady if, we could start a Kenya<>Germany eMail-Letter-Friendship.

2)The youth could generate a blog, about the life in Muhuru Bay: Foto & Text Blog, Video Podcast (i take a camera with me).

3)Adult: Political News over Internet & communication to relatives

My experience

I will study IT after my civil service. Im very interested in all electronical stuff. In high school my core subjects have been math, physics and renewable energy.

I have experience with all big os: mac,win,linux and I'm able to give full support. There havent been any problem with computers i could not answer. :-)

In the past I worked in my freetime and in school with differen programming languages: c++, VB, actionscript.

I can build a computer system from the different components, i know there function and how to install. In school i gave a course to younger pupils.

i designed different homepages by myself (flash) adobe flash/dreamweaver/illustrator NO photoshop experience


I decided to go for civil service, because the army service, doesnt seem to me very helpful to people around the world.

please give me the chance to combine my social engagement with my techincal interests.

peace & thank you

Of course i can prepare reports & pictures & videos about the project in kenya.

I will leave on 10.10. !! I have contact with Caryl, she explained, that if olpc accept me, i can take the laptops with me. In this case, the laptops are protected of corrupt post. I have on 23kg-package left for free.

Maybe somebody can format this page correctly, i dont have experience with wiki-layout