Talk:Friends in testing

Revision as of 02:29, 7 October 2008 by Annegentle (talk | contribs)
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Recursing participation

Josh Gay recently gave a great talk at the grassroots bootcamp about on designing for participation in communities, in which he described how to make participant gathering recursive. We should include on this wiki page and in all form emails an action step of "Have any friends with G1G1 or developer XOs? Forward them this (wiki page, email, etc)."

I've added that to the wiki page.


Remembering the Goal

Please keep in mind that the goal of this testing is to determine if the software on the XO is complete and flexible enough to connect to a wide variety of wireless access points, or alternately, to gather information on the range of wireless access points to which the XO cannot easily connect.

The end user may not have the option to modify the configuration of a given wireless access point, may not be the owner of a particular wireless access point, and may not even know the model or brand details.

As a standard for declaring test success or failure, I'd cite the OLPC Connecting guide:

If it's possible to connect to a wireless access point with a certain configuration using only the information on this page, then the XO software can be declared adequate for that brand/model/configuration. If additional steps (for example, using a HEX-conversion of the passphrase, or running an accessory script like is required, that information is useful and should still be recorded, but the connectivity test must be declared a failure.


Log capturing

Hi Greg - how about this? annegentle 02:29, 7 October 2008 (UTC)

Here's how you capture a log file and attach it to a trac ticket from an XO laptop.

  1. Open the Terminal Activity.
  2. Type "olpc-log" and press enter. Sugar creates a file starting with log.
  3. In the Terminal Activity, type copy-to-journal -m application/x-bzip-compressed-tar log-filename and press enter.
  4. Open the Browse Activity, navigate to a trac ticket that needs a log file attached, and attach the log-filename file using the Journal window that opens when you click the Attach button in the Browse Activity.

Hi Joe et al,

It would help to put a link to the log capturing instructions on this page. I'll put one here when I find it....


Greg S

Software Update / Activities not working in candidate-765?

Clean Installed candidate-765 last night (9/29) after successfully using joyride 2456; went to Software Update to install Activities, but dialog just says "cancel"; no change after 5 minutes. Found this [|dev ticket] which looks active, and says that Activities folder is being deleted. Can't tell (I'm not good at Linux. Sigh.), but I know that this didn't go right. Not sure if current separate install of G1G1 Activity Bundle is advisable or possible. I've stopped for now and will check back about this build later.

Control Panel > About My XO > Build 765; Sugar: 0.82.1; Firmware: Q2E18

--- Liz @ G1G1 @ PDX