
< User:DancesWithCars
Revision as of 10:54, 1 October 2009 by Danceswithcars (talk | contribs) (a little cleanup, though links in pre outside pre is an issue, want indenting? boxed for free verse, not wrapped)
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The Little Green Penguin That Could
A Genesis Story (for kids, teachers, funders and the community)

(Mel volunteered to do some web comic like graphics,
maybe tying the story/ case examplar
implementation lessons together)

'Here children, have a seat and let us tell you a story...'

Of the little green penguin
that could grow up,
when he wanted to,
in the right environment,
and with some attitude adjustment

In a land far far away
in a time not so long ago,
(really about 2 years ago,
but that can be a long time with children)
but it seems like a while...

On his bad days, he eats butterflies for breakfast,
his relatives/


 snaps at some guy named Linus,
is that how he got his name?
Ears are up and ears are down
like a dog (or RCA's Nippy)

[use my niece's drawing?]
[seen in the face of speak, with the mouse pointer left as a nose]

Conceived somewhere around Cambridge, Mass
Probably on a late night binge of pickled herring,
baked beans, and 



Grandpa Nick, St. Nick on good days, a visionary driver on others to the elves, Aunt Mary Lou made him appear on screen even in the bright of day and Sweet Bender, a Futurama robot character spawning SugarLabs, finding a home in the larger community, this too sweet, this is saccharine, and off to port...

Hatched somewhere in Asia, he wandered the globe in search of people who liked him, and upon discovery, and learning from all his travels, with all his new little friends, scattered around the world he wanted to say thanks to St. Nick, and the donors/elves that made the trip and discoveries happen for him

And he lived happily ever after, in all our little hearts, sometimes green with envy, sometimes difficult to handle, but always loved...


[] are improvisations or improvements, added for future changes, images, etc. See also and specifically, for one applied to the sprint... plus the requested graphics from Owen...