
Revision as of 18:03, 1 July 2010 by GJavetski (talk | contribs)
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About Me

My name is Gillian Javetski and I am an intern at OLPC's Cambridge office this summer. I am a senior at Tufts University, where I am double majoring in international relations and community health. I took this past semester off to work at the United Nations Development Programme's HIV/AIDS unit in Geneva. At OLPC, I will be conducting research on UN and international partnerships.

What I Am Currently Working On At OLPC

30 June, 2010: selecting photos for new Afghan blog posts, continuing to collect research for UNICEF Afghanistan memo (see below).

1 July, 2010: created a google reader account, went through past blog posts on OLPC's work in Afghanistan.

Preliminary Research on UNICEF/other Partnerships in Afghanistan

About Afghanistan