
Revision as of 13:53, 5 July 2008 by Rl (talk | contribs)
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I'm riccardo lucchese a student attending the Università degli Studi di Padova (Italy). I'll be an intern at olpc during 30th June - 5th September. I'll be working on my proposal "Profiling the Sugar framework" mentored by Tomeu Vizoso.

email: firstname.lastname gmail com

irc: rl in #sugar


30th June - 4th July

  • Discuss with my mentor what exactly our goals are
 Think at the kids !
  • Discuss what tools are needed
 Most profiling tools we have already.
 We need one more tool to investigate if there are any non
 obvious interferences between processes
 (a bit like
 A script for parsing sugar's logger.debug calls so that we can automate 
 performance regression tests.
  • Start developing the first one of those tools we want but we don't have
 It's almost finished, only needs some retouches
  • Get confident with sugar codebase
 Ui particularly
  • Scan trac for perfs problems
 Some were also suggested from devel@