
Revision as of 15:56, 27 March 2008 by (talk | contribs) (Questions on building Forth firmware)
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recurse, yum

Hi! In lesson 4, I might have only used the definition of factorial that used the word 'recurse', and just skipped 'recursive'. 'recurse' is ever so much nicer, don't you think?

<Mitch> I don't have a strong opinion about recurse vs. recursive. Both get the job done.

Thanks for the awesome intro to forth!

<Mitch> You're welcome, glad you like it.

Questions on building Forth firmware

How do I build the firmware? I want to add some new words and some games.

Mike Westfield


svn co svn:// cd openfirmware/cpu/x86/pc/olpc/build make

The whole process takes less than a minute if you have a reasonably fast Internet connection.

You can put new "fload" commands in openfirmware/cpu/x86/pc/olpc/fw.bth to include the files defining your new features.