XO Korea/los/academic

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Learning Outcome Statements are guidelines for learners to follow to reach their academic goals. See our Example LOS, which is for studying accounting & financial analysis fields.

Kindergarten, Elementary, and Secondary Education

Pre-primary School Language Arts Mathematics Science Social Studies Foreign Languages Visual & Performing Arts Computer Science Electives Physical Education
Elementary School Language Arts Mathematics Science Social Studies Foreign Languages Visual & Performing Arts Computer Science Electives Physical Education
Middle School Language Arts Mathematics Science Social Studies Foreign Languages Visual & Performing Arts Computer Science Electives Physical Education
High School Language Arts Mathematics Science Social Studies Foreign Languages Visual & Performing Arts Computer Science Electives Physical Education

Higher Education: Research Fields, Courses and Disciplines (RFCD) classification

Research Fields, Courses and Disciplines (RFCD) classification

Science (General)
Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts (General)
Mathematical Sciences Mathematics Statistics Other Mathematical Sciences
Physical Sciences Astronomical Sciences Theoretical and Condensed Matter Physics Atomic and Molecular Physics; Nuclear and Particle Physics; Plasma Physics Optical Physics Classical Physics Other Physical Sciences
Chemical Sciences Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) Inorganic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Analytical Chemistry Macromolecular Chemistry Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Other Chemical Sciences
Earth Sciences Geology Geophysics Geochemistry Oceanography Hydrology Atmospheric Sciences Other Earth Sciences
Biological Sciences Biochemistry and Cell Biology Genetics Microbiology Botany Zoology Physiology Ecology and Evolution
Biological Sciences Biotechnology Other Biological Sciences
Information, Computing and Communication Sciences Information Systems Artificial Intelligence and Signal and Image Processing Computer Software Computation Theory and Mathematics Data Format Other Information, Computing and Communication Sciences
Engineering and Technology Industrial Biotechnology and Food Sciences Aerospace Engineering Manufacturing Engineering Automotive Engineering Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Chemical Engineering Resources Engineering
Engineering and Technology Civil Engineering
Engineering and Technology Electrical and Electronic Engineering Geomatic Engineering Environmental Engineering Maritime Engineering Metallurgy Materials Engineering Biomedical Engineering
Engineering and Technology Computer Hardware Communications Technologies Engineering Interdisciplinary Studies Other Engineering and Technology
Agricultural, Veterinary and Environmental Sciences Soil and Water Sciences Crop and Pasture Production Horticulture Animal Production Veterinary Sciences Forestry Sciences Fisheries Sciences
Agricultural, Veterinary and Environmental Sciences Environmental Sciences Land, Parks and Agriculture Management Other Agricultural, Veterinary and Environmental Sciences
Architecture, Urban Environment and Building Architecture and Urban Environment Building XO Korea/los/collegeOther Architecture
Medical and Health Sciences Medicine - General Immunology Medical Biochemistry and Clinical Chemistry Medical Microbiology Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences Medical Physiology Neurosciences
Medical and Health Sciences Dentistry Optometry Clinical Sciences Nursing Public Health and Health Services Complementary/Alternative Medicine Human Movement and Sports Science
Medical and Health Sciences Other Medical and Health Sciences
Education Education Studies Curriculum Studies Professional Development of Teachers Other Education XO Korea/los/college/
Economics Economic Theory Applied Economics Economic History and History of Economic Thought Econometrics Other Economics
Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Business and Management Banking, Finance and Investment Transportation Tourism Services Other Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services
Policy and Political Science Political Science Policy and Administration Other Policy and Political Science
Studies in Human Society Sociology Social Work Anthropology Human Geography Demography History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine Other Studies in Human Society
Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences Psychology Linguistics Cognitive Science Other Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences
Law, Justice and Law Enforcement Law Professional Development of Law Practitioners Justice and Legal Studies Law Enforcement Other Law, Justice and Law Enforcement
Journalism, Librarianship and Curatorial Studies Journalism, Communication and Media Librarianship Curatorial Studies Other Journalism, Librarianship and Curatorial Studies
The Arts Performing Arts Visual Arts and Crafts Cinema, Electronic Arts and Multimedia Design Studies Other Arts
Language and Culture Language Studies Literature Studies Cultural Studies Other Language and Culture
History and Archaeology Historical Studies Archaeology and Prehistory Other History and Archaeology
Philosophy and Religion Philosophy Religion and Religious Traditions Other Philosophy and Religion

Higher Education: Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) classification

Division 1 - Economic Development (Introduction)

Plant Production and Plant Primary Products Field Crops Horticultural Crops Forestry Primary Products from Plants Sustainable Plant Production Systems
Animal Production and Animal Primary Products Livestock Pasture, Browse and Fodder Crops Fish Primary Products from Animals Sustainable Animal Production Systems
Mineral Resources (Excl. Energy) Exploration Primary Mining and Extraction Processes First Stage Treatment of Ores and Minerals Prevention and Treatment of Pollution
Energy Resource Exploration Mining and Extraction Preparation and Supply of Energy Source Minerals Prevention and Treatment of Pollution Other
Energy Supply Energy Transformation Renewable Energy Energy Storage and Distribution Conservation and Efficiency Prevention and Treatment of Pollution Other
Manufacturing Processed Food Products and Beverages Fibre Processing and Textiles; Footwear and Leather Products Wood, Wood Products and Paper Human Pharmaceutical Products Veterinary Pharmaceutical Products Agricultural Chemicals Industrial Chemicals and Related Products
Manufacturing Basic Metal Products (Incl. Smelting) Ceramics, Glass and Industrial Mineral Products Fabricated Metal Products Transport Equipment Computer Hardware and Electronic Equipment Communication Equipment Instrumentation
Manufacturing Machinery and Equipment Other Manufactured Products Prevention and Treatment of Pollution
Construction Planning Design Materials Performance and Processes Construction Processes Building Management and Services Prevention and Treatment of Pollution
Transport Ground Transport Water Transport Air Transport Other Transport Prevention and Treatment of Pollution
Information and Communication Services Computer Software and Services Other Information Services Communication Services Prevention and Treatment of Pollution
Commercial Services and Tourism Electricity, Gas and Water Services and Utilities Waste Management and Recycling Wholesale and Retail Trade Finance, Property and Business Services Tourism Other Commercial Services Prevention and Treatment of Pollution
XO Korea/los/college/Economic Framework Macroeconomic Issues Microeconomic Issues International Trade Issues Management and Productivity Issues Measurement Standards and Calibration Services Other Economic Issues

Division 2 - Society (Introduction)

XO Korea/los/college/Health Clinical (Organs, Diseases and Abnormal Conditions) Public Health Health and Support Services
XO Korea/los/college/Education and Training Early Childhood and Primary Education Secondary Education Higher Education Vocational Education and Training Special Education Other Education
Social Development and Community Services Work Arts and Leisure Community Service (Excl. Work) Religion and Ethics Justice and the Law Government and Politics International Relations
Social Development and Community Services Heritage Understanding Past Societies Communication Other Social Development and Community Services

Division 3. Environment (Introduction)