Feature roadmap/Contextual help

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Feature subcategory Is part of::Category:GUI and usability
Requesters {{#arraymap:Brianne|,|x|Requested by::x}}
Requirements One idea from Eben. From: http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/sugar/2008-August/007547.html

All of our initial discussions on help focused around a contextual help system, and I still hope that this is where we'll be taking this in the future. By embedding (?) icons within the secondary palette menus for various devices, objects, activities, and even individual buttons and controls, we can provide a way to launch into the help activity and dive directly to the relevant info for the activity, control, etc. selected. In addition, I'd like to support a community driven help system by which, in addition to the activity/olpc provided help, it's possible for kids to add tips, tricks, images, tutorials, and other info to these sections for later consumption by peers.

This is a noble, but ambitious goal, which is why a simple and static help activity is the present solution, and why it's only integrated into the system at a single point - the activity itself.

Owners {{#arraymap:|,|x|Contact person::User:x}} Please indicate developers or champions supporting this request
Priority Priority::3
Helps deployability? Helps deployability::no
Target for 9.1? Target for 9.1::no