OLPC NYC/MeetingMinutes

OLPC NYC Meeting Notes
November 21, 2010
Upcoming events:
- Map Sprint (Boston, MA) – Dec 27-31 Social cartographers and deployment folks from across the
OLPC/Sugar community will be in Boston to physically map our geo-social fabric of small/medium/large implementations in completely new ways -- on and around CMU/Nick Doiron's rapidly evolving global deployment/volunteering map.
- Long term goal of OLPC NYC à Looking to facilitate and advise local deployment with testing and tech support.
Interested in having John (TeachingMatters.org) and Gerald (Hudson) come speak to a group (OLPC and BDT) as he worked with local tech academy on a recent deployment.
- Need to re-activate mailing list and have a gathering to assess how those on the list:
- want to be involved
- what those interested are able to contribute in terms of time and resources
- create proposal based on this info on how to involve those interested in further engaging
- Update on Women In Need
Project currently on hold. It seems the organizer is may not be interested in lending out or deploying the devices internally at present without significantly more support that we can provide at present.
- Bergen Developers in Training (BDT)
John S. has a group of students interning in development-related areas, looking to get involved in OLPC. How do we involve them in the development process for OLPC on the local level?
- Ideas for future projects
- OLPC NYC treasure hunt; use cameras and XOs to create presentations on the NYC ‘treasures’ various groups of kids have found. Possible candidature to participate include John’s classes that have been using the XO for a period of time already.
- Laptop Lending Library: Hannah/ team to request a loan of ~10 XO 1.0s from Boston to create lending library. Request deposit of $100 for 3 month loan to trial community center before broadening the project to reach other community centers.
Action Items:
- George:
- Reengage via meet up and list serve to consolidate list and find out who wishes to continue to receive info.
- Find out when John is available to speak, share dates with Marife.
- Marife:
- Reach out to contact at Columbia about possible meeting location for Dec 11 event.
- Contact Gerald Ardito to see if he would be available to speak to the group as well.
- John S.:
- Look into getting his BDT group into the city on Dec 11 and see if they willing / able to attend an event with John / discuss their background and interests.
- Hannah:
- Draft a note to OLPC mailing list to assess who is still interested in receiving communications.
- Once date is set for December event (Dec 11?), try to raise general awareness of discussion.
- Record the event and discuss post-event outcomes via OLPC blog and possibly other sources.