Projects/Waadookodaading OLPC/Ojibwe Laptop Library

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OLPC Program Progress Page

1. Project Title & Shipment Detail

Name of Project: St. Francis Solanus Mission School OLPC/Ojibwe Laptop Library Shipping Address You've Verified:

     St. Francis Solanus Mission School
     13891 W. Mission Road
     Stone Lake, WI 54876-3099
     Attn: Sister Felissia

Number of Laptops (or other hardware) You Request to Borrow: 10 Loan Length—How Many Months: 24

2. Team Participants

Name(s) & Contact Info: (include all email addresses & phone numbers)

Sr. Felissa Zander < Sister Felissa schsis@charterinternet.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it > 715-865-3662 Rick Rooney < rick@xxxxxxxinc.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it > 715-634-0290

Employer and/or School:

Sr. Felissa Zander: St. Francis Solanus Mission School Rick Rooney: President Circle Systems, Inc.

Past Experience/Qualifications:

       I have been in the IT business here in Northern Wisconsin for 6 years.  We at Circle Systems offer network support,
        webhosting, computer repair, and general administrative assistance to local businesses, governments, and individuals.

3. Objectives

Project Objectives:

Provide Children in grades K - 5 with computers they can "check out" and take home with them. These activities could be monitored by the "check out" procedures themselves.

4. Plan of Action

Plan and Procedure for Achieving the Stated Objectives:

Formal request of the OLPC Contributer Program for the XO laptop as a lending item.

5. Needs

Why is this project needed?

This is an American Indian Reservation Mission School, funding for Children's computers are very limited.


Same as above, our community has a limited job base, economically there is not much discretionary spending for computers.

In the greater OLPC/Sugar community?

This should be considered an outreach of the OLPC/Sugar community goals, getting laptops in the hands of Children.

Outside the community?

If this project is successful, it will produce a child with some computer usage skills, this benefits any greater community.

Why can't this project be done in emulation using non-XO machines?

Well a computer lending library, is not something that can be "virtual". Needs to be real, hands on stuff.

Why are you requesting the number of machines you are asking for?

Well there are 42 students enrolled this year, it would be our desire for each of them to have one, but we realize that would probably be "shooting for the stars", even one, would be more than we have now. So 10 would allow us to "lend" them to the students. This also teaches a valuable lesson. Salvaged/rebuilt or damaged XO's would be acceptable, but I believe we would need extra's for parts.

6. Sharing Deliverables

Project URL—where you'll report specific ongoing progress:

How will you convey tentative ideas & results back to the OLPC/Sugar community, prior to completion?

Email or the Websites would work

How will the final fruits of your labor be distributed to children or community members worldwide?

Gifting is a part of the Ojibwe Traditions, any "fruits" will wind up in the hands, hearts and minds of the children here.

Will your work have any possible application or use outside our community?

Yes, I believe there will be great interest in a successful application of this program. Any contacts created because of this program would be forwarded to the greater OLPC community for care and advise.

Have you investigated working with nearby XO Lending Libraries or Project Groups?

I believe we will be the first in our area, hopefully the first of many!

7. Quality/Mentoring

Would your Project benefit from Support, Documentation and/or Testing people?

This would be greatly appreciated

Teachers' input into Usability?

This would be also very desirable

How will you promote your work?

Well, with a website, and our participants, I believe our promotion will come from our efforts.

Can we help you with an experienced mentor from the OLPC/Sugar community? (WEB-PUBLISHED)

If YES: specify the kind of Ongoing Mentoring that will benefit you most.

        Well we would like to produce the first Ojibwe language based computer, any help in that area would be greatly appreciated!

8. Timeline (Start to Finish)

Please include a Proposed timeline for your Project life-cycle: (this can be in the form of Month 1, Month 2, etc rather than specific dates)

August 31st, 2009 through August, 2011, while the school year is limited to 9 months, education never stops. So we would like to continue this lending program through the summer months.

Specify how you prefer to communicate your ongoing progress and obstacles!

Though this website!

[X ] I agree to pass on the laptop(s) to a local OLPC group or other interested contributors in case I do not have need for the laptop(s) anymore or in case my project progress stalls.