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Walter Bender's perspective

Another perspective on OLPC and learning [1]

It's an education project

There is a discussion list at [2] for planning the future of Sugar and the educational goals of one-to-one computing. Please join the discussion. --Walter 17:47, 1 May 2008 (EDT)

A case for Porting Sugar on Windows

I am from India. I would like to use XO for my child's education. But the biggest benefit of XO (sugar) is its collaborative features. I could buy an XO (when it is available), but the rest of the people around me will not, mostly due to a lack of awareness. I could use the sugar LiveCD, for other children but the parents would not approve of it, as it does not run on Windows. Most are not aware of Linux. If Sugar was ported to Windows, then it would be an easier matter to convince people to try it out.

I understand that putting Windows on XO is a lose lose situation, but putting Sugar on Windows is not a bad idea. I would think that it would use any webcam, and microphone attached to the system and would use geographical discovery based on IP Address to determine locality, and neighborhood. If it became very successful, people might use it on the other children's laptop, and may also get rid of windows (a possibility however remote).

Cleanup needed

This page is poorly written at the moment and should be edited with an eye towards providing more and sourced detail. --Sj talk 06:45, 5 September 2008 (UTC)