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Test case: Short name::Un-secured boot
How to report results

Stream ,|x|Build stream::x}}
Category Test category::Boot Sub-category Test subcategory::security
Component System component::OFW
Feature System feature::trac #7394
Objective Test objective::Ensure the laptop can boot after 'disable security' has been issued
Tools Test tools::Developer key is needed
Setup [[Test setup::<br\>
  1. Get a developer key by going to http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Activation_and_Developer_Keys
  2. When you get the developer key (usually takes 24 hours), go to the internet on your home computer and type in the address that it gives you.
  3. Save that file onto a USB stick (without opening it if possible) under a file you create called security. Unmount the USB from your home computer safely.
  4. Put the USB in the XO unit and boot up, stopping the boot process at the OK prompt.
  5. Type 'disable-security'
  6. After next reboot, type 'disable-security' a second time (with the developer key still in)]]
Procedure Test procedure::With an security disabled laptop; boot to the sugar home view
Expected Results
and Pass Criteria
Pass criteria::The laptop should boot in unsecure mode (linux boot up sequence) all the way to the sugar home view.
Comments More notes::none
Release Stream Build Pass/Fail Trac Ticket(s) Comment(s) Date of Test
Software release::Candidate Build stream::8.2 Build number::760 PassFail::Pass ,|x| #x}} Comments:: Created::

Software release::Candidate Build stream::8.2 Build number::762 PassFail::Pass ,|x| #x}} Comments:: Created::

Software release::Candidate Build stream::8.2 Build number::766 PassFail::Pass ,|x| #x}} Comments:: Created::

Software release::Candidate Build stream::8.2 Build number::767 PassFail::Pass ,|x| #x}} Comments::disabled security on an XO with gg-767-4 build. looks good Created::