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  digraph {
   node [fontname="Helvetica", fontsize="11"]
   edge [fontname="Helvetica"]
   start           [label="START HERE\nFOR MONITORS", shape="box", style="bold"]
   monitortype     [label="Is it a Regular Monitor, LCD, or TV?"]
   tendollars      [label="Inform donor of $10 fee to recycle\n& Send donor to reception to pay fee and receive tax receipt"]
   send            [label="Send Donor to office to pay Recycling fee\n& to Receive a Tax Receipt"]
   av              [label="Place TV in speaker/mouse/keyboard testing"]
   work            [label="Does T.V. Work?\n& Is it Pretty?"]
   yeswork        [label="Take TV to Store"]
   LCD          [label="Locate Power cables \nInform Receiving Supervisor\nOr set outside of Tardis"]
   tv          [label="Inform donor that the recycling fee is $1 per inch\n& Record size and fee on incoming form"]
   tvnowork        [label="Place on TV Incoming Shelf\nLocated next to Monitor Testing"]
   remove          [label="Remove three-prong power cord\nDON'T CUT ANY CALBES"]
   age            [label="Is it a 2000 or newer?", style="italic"]    
   testing            [label="Take to Monitor Testing\n& Put it on a Shelf"]
   setaside       [label="Set aside\n& Wait until donor leaves"]
   gaylord         [label="Take to recycling gaylord outside\n& Ask for help"]

   start -> monitortype
   monitortype -> tendollars [label="Regular\nMonitor"]
   monitortype -> LCD [label="LCD"]
   monitortype -> tv [label="T.V."]
   tendollars -> remove
   remove -> age [label="LOOK ON BACK"]
   tv -> send [label="THEN"]
   send -> av [label="NEXT"]
   av -> work [label="AFTER TESTING"]
   work -> yeswork [label="YES"]
   work -> tvnowork [label="NO"] 
   age -> testing [label="YES"]
   age -> setaside [label="NO"]
   setaside -> gaylord [label="AFTER WAITING"]

