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Revision as of 14:07, 19 July 2007


Chris/Ben Dialog - Outside input welcome

initial bits

Hi Chris, some bits below. Either respond here or break out to another page as appropriate.

  • Make a habit of signing your posts on this wiki. to add your signature, just put four tildes(~) at the end of your post.
  • Make a habit of contributing to this wiki beyond when using it to ask about stuff you're working on. Fix a few typos here or there, dress up andor organize stuff that could use it; that kind of stuff.
  • Do a hello world thing or two using eToys once you've got the environment setup.
  • Spend a chunk of time reading up on Nigeria, both the OLPC deployment and also Pathfinder's work there. Read the Nigeria pages on our site, as well as www.compassnigeria.org. You don't need to study everything, but get yourself familiar.
    • Find out about geographic overlap between the Nigeria deployment and our projects.
    • Write something down that summarizes
    • Don't worry about making anything written look pretty/presentable unless I specifically ask for it to be so.
    • At some point we'll start making contact with the OLPC Nigeria team. Find out as much as you can about how things are shaking out. Gimme a distillation somewhere. Interested in the players, timelines, technical details (especially stuff like servers and process for deploying software)
  • Start reading up on the mesh and how it may be incorporated into XO activities and programs.
    • Wondering if there exists now or could exist with some work a simulation of an OLPC mesh via either web interface or live cd or something of the like. Might be able to provide some server support to either host interface or act as server of the simulated mesh. More on that later.
  • Make a list countries that we're in that are or might be receiving laptops.
  • Do a little reading on PyGame & Gnash, enough to know what they are. With gnash, want to know: What kind of development environment exists for it? Where it's at with respect to AS & XML. How active does the development team seem, how viable is it to use, how?

All for now; more to come.

:) Ben Nardone:: My Talk:: Internship:: GameJam:: Peru:: Nigeria 14:07, 19 July 2007 (EDT)